oh man. tonight.

Jan 24, 2011 21:33

  • Sheppard fucks virgin barbies. It's a thing?

  • Apparently my epic SGA/TW is taking a turn towards the... okay, well, I just wrote a scene where Radek and Ianto flirt. Like, a lot. It was not my intention. I don't know how I feel about it. I'm blaming the gin?

  • Also, apparently, Sheppard and Todd are prom dates.

  • I love the entire McKay family. JEANNIE. UGH. MCKAY AND MRS. MILLER IS ON. KATE. OH MAN. ALSO, RODNEY AND MADISON IS NEVER NOT FUNNY. "Madison has her first ballet recital next month!" "She's FOUR. How good could she possibly be?"

  • Sheppard needs more Barbies.

torchwood, cardigan central, zelenka, my imaginary girlfriend, sga, ianto jones: my badass babyface tv bf

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