TEEEEEAAAAAAM! + writing chat!

Jan 22, 2011 14:15

Oh, you guys. I love all of you. I can't wait to see those of you I'm seeing at various points in 2011. If it comes down to it, for my birthday I'll just have everyone contribute to my con-fund so I'll still get to go, if only so I can see you lovely people ♥


Anyway, as I mentioned before, mcwonthelottery and I have been mainlining SGA. We just go through the one with the Cloister where John takes that girl's virginity (sometimes I just remember that happened and start to laugh), and I've been re-reading SGA fic like mad. Mostly AUs and mostly team.

Guys. I love the SGA team.

I've said this before. I'll say it again. It was something that was always missing for me in TW fandom. Even before my tolerance of Jack turned into loathing, I never bought the team-as-family the way I feel it in SGA or TWW. And, guys, Team Sheppard. I just don't have words for how much I love them and how much I love that they love each other. I just want them to snark at each other and gossip with each other and get into slap fights and roll their eyes and puppy pile. (Remember in "McKay and Mrs. Miller" when they're eating lunch together and John is like, "TEYLA HAS A CRUSH ON ONE OF THE NEW MARINES!" and it is one of my favorite things ever?)

So that's what I am doing today. I am going through all my SGA bookmarks and re-reading and being filled with love.

(Also, guys, I still love Radek Zelenka more than is healthy. And Evan Lorne. And Laura Cadman. And Jeannie Miller, obvs.)


SO, LAST NIGHT WAS WRITING CHAT. Thanks to those of you who showed up! We had some newbies and some old timers and it was nice of you to indulge my crappy, just-lost-my-job mood for a few rounds.

I think we did a total of six prompts. I sat one out and wrote for five. Most of what I wrote was not-great Not!OT3 AU verse, but I did write the best SGA fic EVER. (Half-credit goes to Becca.)

Trade Negotiations - pg - Team Shep + Elizabeth + Carson + a treasure chest of sandwiches

The whole chat post is here and you should check it out! I haven't commented on everything yet, but there's original stuff, CriMinds, Inception, Torchwood, Who, White Collar, Sherlock, The West Wing, Psych and tons and tons of other stuff. The chat was great last night, and you should peruse everyone's offerings and tell them that :)


After the chat, there was this whole thing about John and Rodney fucking for food and Domino's and John in the Cloister and ancient vending machines and Mitch Pileggi. I don't know if I could explain it to you now if I tried. But at the time, we laughed until we hurt and I almost choked on a Thai roll.


Today will mostly be spent reading SGA fic and organizing things for tw_unpaired. TODAY IS THE LAST DAY TO POST PROMPTS! You can do so here! Prompt claiming opens tomorrow!

For now, I'm going to go re-read "Junk Cheap" for the nine hundredth time and eat a cookie.

torchwood, tw_unpaired, cardigan central, fic: sga, sga, writing: chats, friends

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