oh, my mom

Jan 25, 2011 16:56

So, I got a package from my mom today. HERE IS WHAT IT CONTAINED:
  • The apron I wanted for Christmas (it didn't come in time)
  • Dar Williams' new CD (which did come in time for Christmas, but my mom hid it and just found it a few weeks ago)
  • A pair of tights (see above re: hiding)
  • Three sets of kitchen towels (cupcakes, Valentine's Day, and snowmen)
  • An iPod car charger
  • a jar of honey
  • a can of tuna
  • a box of mac and cheese
  • a reusable grocery bag
  • a neon orange golf ball
  • a card with $20 in it

I can't even. My mom, you guys.


In other news, my stupid computer shut down and I lost about two hundred words of the SGA/TW crossover, which seems to be the only thing I can write right now. Originally it was going to be for tw_unpaired, but then this Radek/Ianto storyline started to nose its way into everything and Ianto's relationship with Jack became the cause of conflict in the fic, and now it is in no way gen. And I feel bad for Zelenka, because, in the end, Ianto is going to choose Jack. Ianto is always going to choose Jack, which is fucked up, but it's who he is, and as much as I don't like Jack, I accept that.

Also, I have no idea who's going to read this. Back when it was a silly story where Team Torchwood comes to Atlantis for a week and glees out over everything, it might have had an audience. Now it's this whole thing with Jack as the bad guy, keeping wonderful things from the rest of them, and Ianto learning physics and forming this weird bond with Radek and Sheppard trying to adopt Gwen and Tosh disappearing for days at a time into the labs and emerging only to drink more coffee. But, seriously, Radek, Ianto, and Gwen take up the most of it (and there's a fair amount of Rodney), so I have... no idea who this will appeal to. Except me. It appeals to me a lot.

I mean, don't get me wrong, that's not going to keep me from writing a million more words of it, but although I never write to cater to a particular audience, while I'm writing I can't help but wonder if I'm not writing into a void. Which I might be this time. XD Oh well, their loss!


I took a job for the rest of the week. It's an awful job and we're supposed to have awful weather, so who knows what the fuck was going through my mind when I accepted it. Ugh. :(


Okay, back to writing and job hunting and being miserable. Hurrah?

torchwood, family stuff, sga, work: temp

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