Lurker Amnesty or something. (I don't think that word means what I think it means.)

Oct 13, 2010 12:02

So, I was cleaning off the old flist yesterday to get rid of dead journals, strike-throughed journals, and the journals of people who I haven't spoken to in an age who I know were in fandoms I am not interested in, and realized there are a lot of people who follow me who I don't follow. LURKERS, I believe they are called. Or something. BECAUSE I pretty much add everyone back as long as I know who they are or they say, "HEY, I ADDED YOU."

So there are a lot of you out there who added me without introducing yourself so I never added you back, etc. So you should introduce yourselves. We can chat, it will be lovely. I'm making a thing and trying to write and debating the merits of a shower. (Pro: A shower would be warm. Con: I took one less than twenty-four hours ago and it will probably fuck up my already-dry skin.)

Or even if you're not a lurker and you want to chat. You know. Whatever. I'm easy.

let's chat!

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