
Oct 13, 2010 21:53

So, I've been in a very Gwen+Ianto headspace lately (what with last night's conversation/demands and declaring today "Gwen Day" on twitter), but the lack of fic about them is always tragic. solsticezero, my main source for the "pairing" outside of myself, decided to help remedy that today, with perfect timing, as usual.

Object Permanence by solsticezero - pg - Ianto-centric with Ianto+Gwen and Jack/Ianto - spoilers through "Exit Wounds"

If you want to trace the origins of this fic, I have to sort of embarrassingly take the credit. Solstice told me a long time ago that she wanted to write something that took place in between Club Wales and Club Wales II. This isn't that, but you can see how it almost was. Instead of being about Jack's fears, however, it centers on Ianto's, on his fear of losing Gwen and Jack, on the ways he deals with it, on how the way those fears manifest themselves frightens him. Ianto is afraid he's crazy, but Gwen and Jack can recognize it as grief and they're there to see him through it.

I clutched my chest while reading it. Ianto is so very young to have this many terrible things happen to him, and this story is a stark reminder of that, of that fact that he still hasn't been through quite as much as Jack and Gwen in a way that doesn't involve disasters and aliens. The section from Gwen's PoV, in particular, rings so, so true. I love Gwen so much, guys, and Solstice is awesome at her.

Anyway, go read this story. Because I said so and because it's excellent.

rec, solstice wrote another fic

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