this is your assignment, internet

Oct 13, 2010 00:31

INTERNET. I am giving you a task. You should complete it and get back to me ASAP.

This is your task: I want a million more fics where Ianto and Gwen platonicly share a bed. Cuddling is encouraged, but not necessarily mandatory.

Get on this, internet. I want a status report by the end of the week.


Relatedly, in case you weren't aware, solsticezero is the best.

pocky_slash: I was just thinking tonight that no one writes the fic of my heart, but you come closest. Prbably because you are the only one who both writes Gwen and Ianto together and does it in a way I agree with.
solsticezero: XD Because I learned the way to do it from you, basically, since I hadn't seen it before Club Wales. Maybe someday someone will come along and write the fic of your heart.
pocky_slash: I doubt it. That's why I'm slogging through.
I mean, the fic of my heart is basically the S2 fill-ins for Club Wales.
(Well, the self-indulgent fic of my heart is the Not!OT3 kidfic. But that's a whole other heart.)
solsticezero: I would ask how many hearts you have, but it seems a personal question. Also, I am so excited fot the fill-ins, you have no goddamn idea.
My fear is that they are going to be HELLA FOREVER LONG. Which is a legit fear at this point, omg.
solsticezero: I would be totally supportive of that.
Because if I don't, no one else will.
And I won't get to be smug about how much better my intereptation of S2 is than everyone else's.
solsticezero: lol, the desire for smugness is a great motivation.
pocky_slash: I just want to be like, "THERE IS MORE THAN ONE INTERPRETATION OF EVENTS. GWEN IS NOT A BITCH, GUYS." and writing a fic seems easier than standing on top of somewhere high and shouting a lot.
solsticezero: Yeah, because then only Boston would hear you.
pocky_slash: Yeah. Also, I'd probably fall or get arrested or something. Even though writing is also hard. ALL THE IDEAS ARE THERE. THEY JUST WON'T COME OUT IN A TIMELY FASHION.

solsticezero: Okay. Now I am back, armed with ice cream, and maybe I will be able to think of the next line of dialogue for this thing. Writing by the seat of your pants sure does bring out some introspection and a dearth of followable dialogue.
pocky_slash: I am so jazzed for this thing.
Even if you are like, "Woe, it is awful," I will make you let me read it.
Even if I have to drive down to NJ and sneakily steal your computer when you're not looking.
solsticezero: XD Good luck, because it is basically in my hands 24/7. But I don't think it's going to be awful, and it will definitely see the light of day. It is nothing like the thing I wanted to write, though, and has nothing to do with Club Wales anymore, probably, except for Jack enjoying laundry.
pocky_slash: I don't care. If Ianto is calling Gwen in the middle of the night, it is already relevant to my interests.
solsticezero: XD I figured as much.
pocky_slash: I am rereading that fic that you wrote for me and it makes me happy in my heart.
solsticezero: The birthday one?
pocky_slash: Yeeeees :D
solsticezero: :D I am very, very glad you like it.
pocky_slash: There is cuddling and Jack is dead in a lake. What's not to like?!
solsticezero: Not a damn thing!
pocky_slash: Ugh, but now I"m done and there are no more cuddling fics.
If I had better discipline, I would write twenty of them this week, just so they would exist.
solsticezero: Flood the market with them. That is a good strategy.
pocky_slash: It's in my business plan. It goes like this:
2. Scratch that--INTEND to write a million, then get distracted and whine that no one will write any for you.
3. Nap?
4. ????
5. Take over the internet with Gwen+Ianto fic.
6. ????
7. Profit.
There might be some more nap sin there. Also, sometimes I need to take breaks to eat apples.
solsticezero: I love the fact that there are two ????'s in your plan. It leaves some wiggle room.
pocky_slash: It's important to have space for unforseen circumstances.

torchwood, quotes, ianto and gwen are besties, solstice wrote another fic

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