Sherlock rec! Seriously! Read this!

Aug 16, 2010 19:24

Okay, well, as I said in my last post before the move, Sherlock has essentially eaten my brain. I threw myself at it to ward off the panic of moving. Before I moved, I had read pretty much every fic that was posted in the fandom comms and the kinkmeme. It was keeping me sane.

So you can imagine how GLEEFUL I was when solsticezero IMed me and was like, "I think I'm going to write Sherlock fic."

Guys. Guys. Guys. I can't even. She's been sending this to me in bits and bobs for a week, now, and it's FILLED WITH SO MUCH WIN. I can't even. Guys, I beta read this story WHILE I WAS MOVING ALL MY WORLDLY POSSESSIONS. That's how good it is.

The Dealt Hand by solsticezero(aka arudemechanical) - pg - Sherlock and John gen/pre-slash (with Moriarty, Lestrade, Harry, Sarah, Mycroft et al) - SPOILERS "FOR THE GREAT GAME"

Essentially, Solstice wrote episode four of Sherlock. It is AMAZING. There are puzzles and danger and running around London and appearances by all the recurring characters. There are references to other episodes and an exploration of why Sherlock does what he does at the end of "The Great Game." It's seriously brilliant and thinky and hits all my emotional kinks, too. GO READ THIS. It's so worth the effort.

BUT! The fun doesn't stop there! Solstice also wrote John's blog entry about "The Great Game" AND she wrote an entry from John's blog that deals with what happens in her fic! She is fucking nuts, in the best possible way!

So! Reading order:

John's blog about "The Great Game"
The Dealt Hand
John's blog about "The Dealt Hand"

Seriously, you should just friend arudemechanical, her Sherlock fic journal, because I'm sure there's more to come :D :D :D

sherlock, rec, solstice wrote another fic

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