Cardigan Central

Aug 16, 2010 19:03

WELL. Here we are, internet. Well, here mcwonthelottery and I are. I don't know where you are. BUT WE ARE HERE.

quatredeathlady came by Friday night to help me pack (by trying to wrap dishes while watching Sherlock and eventually just handing the dishes to me because I was "better at it.") and then helped my parents and I load the UHaul on Saturday morning.

A few last "Tales from the House of pocky_slash:"

  • On Saturday morning, when I was throwing a few last things together, Nicole drove my dad to get the UHaul. He did not come home for A MILLION HOURS (read: forty-five minutes). It was right around the corner from my house. No one knows where he was.

  • Brendan took like, six hours (read: 30+ minutes) (no, really) to make scrambled eggs. My father was not pleased with this, as he wanted Brendan's help in loading the truck. However, he didn't want to ruin my morning and stress me out further by showing his displeasure, which just made things more awkward.

  • I drove with Nicole, my mom drove her car, and my dad drove the UHaul. Nicole and I managed to get lost looking for a McDonald's in Vernon. It was awesome.

Okay, none of those were actually worthy of bullet points, but I'm too lazy to go back and fix them now. THE POINT IS, we got here eventually! My mom left a little before us and my dad likes to drive quickly, so they both arrived about five or ten minutes before Nicole and I did. mcwonthelottery and her parents had already arrived--her movers were gone and they were just chilling. Once we got there, her parents left and she supervised our unloading and unpacking. My parents left to check into their B&B and Nicole, Becca, and I began to unpack. We broke for dinner at S&S, where we had burgers and reminisced about childhood and generally laughed like assholes. We stopped at Becca's old apartment on the way home to pick up the last of her shit and then came back here to drink champagne from martini glasses.

Sunday morning we had brunch with my parents and then Nicole left. Then my parents left. Then we were alone in our apartment which is ours did I mention that? Tina and Decklin came over for a bit and my BED came (Saturday night I slept [poorly] on the loveseat).

After Tina and Decklin left, we watched the second half of the first season of White Collar and drank wine and stole internet from somewhere on our street. I slept in my bed, and it would have been awesome if it wasn't for all the anxiety dreams. This morning, the internet guy hooked up our internet. I fought with the wireless router for an hour because LinkSys doesn't acknowledge that there are people who own Macs. I took a nap, and in a fit of anxiety about being useless, baked a cake and made dinner.

If only someone would pay me to be a housewife.


OKAY. Enough boring rehash of the last few days. Tomorrow I'm going to the DMV to get my new license and maybe up to town hall to register to vote. Also: writing. Break's over, dudes. I have a double date fic to finish. And some other stuff. Also, maybe I should look into getting flat surfaces for the kitchen. And apply to more jobs. Oh god.

moving day, why don't i spend more time with becca?

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