one week!

Apr 03, 2010 12:22

I should be:

a) taking a shower
b) ironing the dress I am wearing today
c) eating food so I can take my pills

Instead I am:

d) writing an LJ entry to complain about how I'm still sick.
e) talking to Becca about Ianto's diary

Clearly a good use of my time.


BUT, INTERNET, I AM NOT COOL WITH THIS SICK THING. We are exactly one week away from FANGIRL TEA PARTY! and I do not want to be sick! I can't afford to be sick! I need to make all sorts of food! I can't just make quatredeathlady do the hard stuff like I did for FANGIRL DINNER PARTY!. Well, I could. But she might kill me.

Anyway. I'm excited, despite this! I'm excited to see everyone! I'm excited to watch things! I'm excited to drink while watching things! I haven't seen inocciduous in so long!

I just need to convince my sinuses to stop revolting. I have a week. They can't stage a coup in a week, can they?


The worst part of being sick is that I'm not supposed to have caffeine, so I am just tired all the time. I haven't written any words since I got sick! I owe solsticezero a birthday fic and there's a cardigan_verse fic from earlier this week that really needs to be written. The arrival of Martha. And Ianto's stubborn refusal to acknowledge her in any more than a professional capacity. And a hilarious comedy of errors because Jack is thick as a brick.

What I have been doing is plotting out the epic AU tragic not!a!threesome kidfic I was talking about on Twitter. Because there is something wrong with me. And when I can't write words down, the next best thing is thinking up epic words in my head.

(I kind of wish krabapple was in this fandom. I'd hate to inflict TW on her, but she is my partner in ridic kidfic. Remember that time she wrote all those stories about Scout for me? ♥)


OKAY, INTERNET. This is the plan for the next week. In case you were curious.
  • Skipping the JoCo show tonight due to sick + busy + work, to bake
  • Write Martha story
  • Finish laundry
  • Send out food poll to FGTP! guests

  • Cleaning
  • Take parents to the airport
  • Go to Aunt Beth's for dinner
  • Finish solsticezero's birthday fic

  • Work
  • Michael's
  • Make tea charms
  • As a reward, write some self-indulgent kidfic

  • Jury duty
  • Clean dining room
  • Buy new sheets
  • Get final bed count for FGTP!
  • Write some words

  • Ugh, so I should plan that today.
  • But yeah, work
  • Clear boxes from upstairs bedrooms
  • Wash outdoor furniture
  • Party city for table clothes, etc

  • Work
  • Grocery shopping
  • Straighten the rest of the downstairs
  • Gather dvds
  • All the last minute shit that I'm sure will come up.

  • Work
  • Gather Nicole from the bus
  • Bake until our fingers fall off
  • Perhaps watch something on the teevee



Also, I know I've been pretty whiny and not celebrating, but, OMG NEW WHO TONIGHT NEW WHO TONIGHT NEW WHO TONIGHT OMG OMG OMG!!

Um. Ahem. I mean. I'm excited! :D

sick, cardigan verse, fangirl tea party!, 2do

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