a non-valentines update

Feb 06, 2010 15:33

Last night I slept for eight hours.



Last night, I slept for longer than I have slept the past four nights COMBINED.

It was wonderful, thank you for asking.


This is going to be a hella busy weekend. In addition to the eleven drabbles I need to write before this time on Monday, I have one slightly longer story and two shorter stories to write for a project with a deadline that is ALSO Monday. I also need to bake a shit ton of cookies, make a scrapbook, do a shit ton of laundry, and take a photograph.

I am most looking forward to the photograph, though I have to wait until tonight to do it. The desk I need to take it on is in direct sunlight and it messes with the ~*ambiance*~ of the picture. (idek if I'm using the word right, but it sounds all artisitc and shit. I wouldn't know artistic if it hit me over the head with a two-by-four.)

Instead, I am writing this entry.


SO MANY EXCITING THINGS HAVE HAPPENED SINCE WE LAST SPOKE, EL JAY. Well, okay, one thing. That thing is that I AM GOING TO GET TO SEE KATE HEWLETT IN ASSASSINS. Closing weekend is the weekend I am visiting scrollgirl! If I end up speaking to her, I hope I don't make as big an ass out of myself as I did at Shore Leave in 2008! (Oh man, remember when she was standing RIGHT BEHIND ME in the art gallery at Shore Leave and I was hyperventilating and krabapple and inocciduous didn't even see her? Good times. Good times. I miss krabapple and inocidduous.)


Other news: White Collar continues to be like candy. It is so my favorite show at the moment. The noise I made when Neal told Peter he trusted him more than Kate or Mozzie could only be heard by dogs, I think. I have all these thoughts about Elizabeth that I wanted to make on mcwonthelottery's entry about Elizabeth (I still love her to death, no worries!), but I have been so run down in the days following the actual post that I haven't been able to do it yet. I STILL HAVE IT OPEN IN A TAB. And, you know, if all else fails, I will just say them to her when I see her. In a week. WHERE HAS THE TIME GONE?


Other other news: My shoulder hurts a lot. Maybe I will go to the doctor when my life calms down a little. Or maybe I will try that tennis ball thing leiascully suggested.


Still more news: Did I know Kai Owen is going to Dragon*Con and just forget?


Most of this stuff isn't actually news: I have internet-talked to two different people this weekend whose entire friends group is "on Team Gale."

What. the. FUCK?

HOW CAN PEOPLE BE ON TEAM GALE? Okay, okay, I know that Gale and Katniss are best friends. I get that. They look out for each other. They rely on each other. I like Gale. But Gale is SO BAD for Katniss! She's already dumb as a brick, guys, she doesn't need someone who impulsively dives into situations. She doesn't need someone who gets blinded by anger!

And how could anyone NOT love Peeta? I mean seriously! He's way too loyal, he's smart and cunning and doting and patient and adorable and HE'S A BAKER. HE MAKES THE CAKES. And so fucking cunning, oh my god. That part in Catching Fire when he says, "And then there's the baby" was pretty much the greatest thing ever. I actually put down the book to cackle and flail my hands and freak out because THAT'S how amazingly hilariously cunning Peeta is. He says it SO nonchalantly! You think he's just this quiet, reserved baker's son who doesn't understand the higher meaning of everything going on around him (and I'm sure in The Hunger Games he did that on purpose so his opponents would underestimate him), and then he just whips out something like THAT. Oh my god, I had never loved him more.

The baby. Oh my god. Peeta. I have such starry eyes just REMEMBERING that line.

So, yeah. I don't get the Team Gale thing at all. Peeta all the way. I cannot WAIT until book three. I am chewing off my finger nails in anticipation. (As well as in anticipation of the next SP, which is being shipped to my house from the UK upon its release. I can't fucking wait until September to read the next SP, guys. I would go crazy.)


In more exciting news: Concerts and such for the next few months!
2/8 - Mighty Kate CD release, with Greg Holden!
2/14 - Allie Moss at some guitar festival (mcwonthelottery is my valentine.)
2/20 - Kate Hewlett in Assassins! (This is not a concert, but I am excited about it)
3/13 - Ingrid Michaelson and Mat Avery IN FUCKING MONTCLAIR! I don't have to go into the city!
4/3 - Jonathan Coulton and Paul and Storm at the Highline! My new favorite place!
4/9 - CupcakeCamp NYC!
4/17 - Dar Williams (with Cheryl Wheeler) IN MY FUCKING TOWN OH MY GOD.

team peeta, dragoncon 10, white collar, hunger games, my imaginary girlfriend, kate hewlett, friends

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