a bit of a follow-up post

Jul 23, 2009 22:41

In regards to Anemia not being an eating disorder, here is a further PSA:

Hypoglycemia is also NOT an eating disorder. If you are writing a story in which Rodney passes out because he has a hypoglycemic reaction, do not tag it as eating disorder fic. It makes me sad.

(Same goes for Vegetarianism, guys. Just, FYI.)


Today we went to the beach! Well, we tried to. Well, we eventually succeeded.

When we first got there, a little after one, the second we put our towels down it got dark and cloudy. Then it started to rain. Because that is our luck.

We went back to the hotel, interneted for a few hours, and then went back to the beach. WHERE IT WAS FISH DAY! There were fish everywhere! Just swimming around. Little ones! They were awesome! We had a fish party! They were my friends!

I am older than five, I swear.

I was slightly disturbed as the day went on and the first didn't leave us alone, however. They kept getting all up in our business and stalked us and one of them jumped out of the water and tried to eat krabapple. I think they were waiting for us to die in order to pick the flesh off our corpses. Or something.

Anyway, it was also SEAWEED DAY and that was less fun, as seaweed has a habit of getting into my hair. I think I successfully avoided it, though!


Okay, so, I think this is one of those things that only make sense to us, but it really needs to be shared. CLEARLY S3 of Torchwood kind of screwed with my head, considering I didn't even CARE about the show prior to two weeks ago and now I am CONSTANTLY thinking and talking about it. Because I am crazy.

Anyway, I am sure it is driving krabapple crazy, but it has kind of caught on, to the point where she dubbed our elevators Torchwood.

"Because they never do anything right."

IT'S TRUE. I cannot even describe in words how bizarre our elevators are and how it always takes us like, three extra floors in the wrong direction to get anywhere. They stop and start and stall and if you don't press the button soon enough, it skips your floor. Some of the buttons don't light up, and thus sometimes the elevator stops on a floor it doesn't say it's going to stop on. After 5pm, you have to swipe your card to get to the right floor, and if you forget, you go up and down and up and down in limbo.

Leading me to exclaim, as we got on an elevator that wouldn't let me push our floor button, "Oh, dammit, it's Torchwood O'clock!"

I... don't know why that was funny. But it was!


We also had dinner and teevee. Tomorrow is more beach (probably), cupcakes (definitely), and being incredibly depressed that it's our last day :(

Tonight, though, I need to write. And also maybe eat a box of chocolate cake.

Until then, Twitter quote dump:

"Why do I want Hunger Games porn? But I do! It's terrible! I'm a terrible person!"

"Can I have some of that ibuprofen? I was screaming so hard about the book that I gave myself a headache."

"Plus, how amazingly perfect would my life be if I married a baker? I mean, all of the other parts of Peeta's awesomeness aside."

"I hope that doesn't mean my arch-nemesis, John Barrowman, is going to show up. .......I don't know why Barrowman is my nemesis now."

my arch-nemesis john barrowman, torchwood, quotes, the utahraptor to my trex, things that are not eating disorders, hunger games, florida

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