"goodbye bathroom that is being cleaned every time we walk by!"

Jul 25, 2009 11:49

I am in the Fort Lauderdale Airport.


Ugh, guys, I DO NOT WANT to go back home and return to work. I mean, I really, really don't want to. I did not need another reminder of how much I hated my job, but that is exactly what my vacation was good for. Sigh. :(

I saw krabapple off to her gate, hugged her and briefly refused to let go, and then came over to my terminal, where I am now checked in and waiting for my 2:05 flight. I will probably try to write some more of ~*my secret shame*~ and load some new stuff on Rodney the Kindle, but I really kind of want to watch "The Empty Child" and "The Doctor Dances" because we were quoting them all morning. ("Well, I've got a banana and, in a pinch, you could put up some shelves," almost made me snort waffles up my nose, no lie.)

Anyway, I am here, and soon I will be home. LAME.


To go back in time, yesterday I got up early and did a ~*secret errand*~, after which we had breakfast and went to the beach. We are pretty reliable in our predictability. Anyway, it looked threateningly dark at the beach for awhile, but it didn't rain. I managed to finish a book and then spent the rest of the day in the water.

We had a quick dinner while watching NCIS, Eureka, and Friday the 13th, and after dinner I broke out the fruit of my ~*secret errand*~: Cupcakes and a bottle of $4 champagne. It was a mini-party, where only awesome people were invited!

I am a little bit in love with Tess and want her to stay forever. I love how pushy and bizarre and arrogant she is. Jenny and I were talking about how she is basically Rodney McKay, if Rodney were female and went on some sort of hippie nature retreat between his PhDs which turned him into a crazy free-thinking lunatic who tried to bludgeon people with his brain. You know, instead of just a regular crazy lunatic who tries to bludgeon people with his brain.

Also, I knew that Lexi's boyfriend was going to dump her after finding out about the twins, but I was still totally bummed when it happened. And I continue to love Zoe and Henry more than life.

We tried to go to bed early, we really did, but then the babbling and hysterical laughing started and... yes. We woke up this morning and were still exhausted.


Let's go FURTHER back in time, because this morning, Jenny and I realized that I never posted about Creepy IHOP.

I guess it was... Sunday night? Or Monday night. We decided we wanted breakfast for dinner, so I googled the local IHOP. It wasn't too far, so we hopped in the car and headed over. When we got there, the parking lot was deserted and there was a lone waitress sitting outside, smoking a cigarette.

"I don't have a cook," she said. "You girls can wait if you want. He probably won't be gone long."

We played an awkward game of, "Oh man, what are you thinking? What should we do?" before deciding to go inside and wait. We were the only ones there. Us and the waitress. It was both creepy and hilarious.

The food ended up being really good when the cook eventually returned, but we remained the only customers at Creepy IHOP. It probably doesn't translate as well into text, but believe me, it was a hilarious night.


The last Twitter quote dump of vacation :( :

"I'm glad I've been drinking, I think it makes more sense this way."
"I was gonna say, Torchwood must make more sense when you're drinking."

"Well, it's Torchwood. Anything you write is going to be better than 95% of--"
"Fic or canon. I mean, Ianto doesn't have an eating disorder."

"I think that means if I see him, I have to challenge him to a duel or something. And Barrowman's the kind of guy who would show up if I challenged him to a duel, but probably without clothes on."
"In that case, Jenna can be your second."

"That's it, I'm not friends with the SGA writers anymore. We're breaking up! I want my friendship bracelets back. They can use someone else's shitty lanyard to hole their keys."

"I don't care what Mallozzi says."
"Fuck Mallozzi and his MarySue fanfiction!"

torchwood, quotes, the utahraptor to my trex, vacation, florida, eureka, sga

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