now that i've slept...

Jul 06, 2008 13:24

Here are further, more coherent thoughts on Doctor Who. As a note, I haven't read any commentaries that have been posted since 1am (save for thingswithwings, and, by the way, totally unrelated, but there's a sciene beginning reader called "Things With Wings" about... I don't know, there's a butterfly on it or something. Anyway, I chuckle to myself whenever I see it, in yet another stunning display of why everyone I work with thinks I'm a nutcase.), so I apologize if I'm repeating stuff that everyone's been saying over and over again.

Okay, what it comes down to is that I loved, loved the episode up until the last ten or fifteen minutes. And even some things in those last few minutes made me utterly beam with joy. You know I have a family kink, and seeing everyone in the TARDIS, helping it fly smoothly because there were finally enough people... oh my heart. And the hugging afterwards! I was just beaming, I was absolutely beaming.

I loved DoctorDonna, I loved the Doctor and Donna Donna-ing and then Doctor-ing at each other. Catherine Tate and David Tennant are MARVELOUS. They seriously are. I loved seeing all the companions banding together and I loved the heartbreak we got from the Doctor when Davros was taunting him about his children becoming weapons. It was amazing, it was wonderful, and then the last ten minutes happened.

Here are the major things. There are three of them.

First off, I think pawning the Doctor!clone off with Rose, while better than most things that could happen to a clone, was a totally cop-out. I know everyone is like, "But the Rose/Doctor shippers and the non-shippers will be happy!" but... I'm not happy. I think it was a total cop-out, I think it was weird and uncomfortable and... just not cool.

I think that the Doctor being stuck as a lonely, single traveler without any friends was... not where the arc should have left the Doctor. I feel like this was an arc that emphasized that people were important, that having people was important, and to leave him back where he started, almost worse than he started... it's another cop-out, a soft-reset of the entire 2005 season, almost.

And the last thing is... Donna. I mean, was there anyone happy with what happened to Donna? I really, truly wish they had just killed her or (in my idealistic heart of hearts) let her go off on her own for a little while. Having her forget how amazing she was after it took an entire season to get her to realize it on her own... having her forget it is maybe the most heartbreaking thing that this series has ever done to me. It's just... I don't even have words for it. I'm just upset and pissed off and I think it's a shitty ending for an absolutely off-the-chart-amazing character.

Anyway, I could probably rant about this for another hour, but I'm super hungry.


Sorry I haven't been posting non-Who!rants lately, but itsproductivity has sucked up a lot of my time, plus I've been working and having a social life, which is just tragic for my blogging D:


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