work work work no dinner work

Apr 18, 2008 00:13

So, let's see. Steven and I are maybe going to do something ridiculously awesome. We'll see what happens. I'm super excited about it, if only because it means spending more time with Steven, who's one of my favorite people.

suchthefangirl gets into town tomorrow, and I may get a chance to see her! Which is a pleasent surprise, considering I figured I'd be working all weekend. I'm for-definite seeing moonsheen, who is coming home with me so we can see Rufus tomorrow night in Morristown. Sometime this weekend I will also (hopefully) get a chance to spend some time with leiascully while she is in town.

Busy weekend. Especially because I'll also be working all in there. Woo hoo. Bookstore.

It's been disturbingly quiet at The Bookstore lately. I've had a lot of time to read, but one of the symptoms of my depression is a shortened attention span, so I haven't been reading anything good. Eleven, Twelve, and Thirteen, which I am SO embarrassed to be putting in print, you don't even know. Oh man. Tonight, though, I read some fairytales and poems, which were mostly short enough to hold my attention. I also talked to moonsheen and walked around the building for forty-five minutes on my break.

Here are two Bookstore anecdotes:

1. Some woman brought her two boys in the store and was letting them pick out their own books. The older one wanted to get the Narnia books and she said, "No, you're not allowed to read those because they're anti-God."

I nearly choked on my surprise. Later, when she was asking me for reccomendations, the boy pointed out the Narnia books again. Playing dumb, I said, "Well, those should be right at your reading level."

"Oh, no," she said. "My boys aren't allowed to read those. They're anti-religion."

The only thing Alex and I could figure is that she got them mixed up with the Golden Compass? But it was so hard not to laugh. I just wanted to shout "LION JESUS!" at her. All I could think of was that Colbert segment where he redid the Lion, the Witch, and the Wardrobe poster until it was a Passion of the Christ poster.

2. I kept getting these phone-calls from this kid who was very obviously pretending to be his dad. He kept talking in a fake!deep voice like kids do when they're pretending to be older. Saying things like, "Oh, I'm interested in getting these books for my son." and asking me ridiculous questions. I thought it was a joke at first, but he obviously really wanted the information. It was so weird and hilarious.


Home for now. Bed soon. But I should really find something for dinner. My parents didn't leave me anything except half a bag of potato chips.

work: bn, steven, alex has a tag, books, friends

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