the lion anti-christ

Apr 19, 2008 18:52

Oh my! So much to talk about! First off, I changed the LJ name to "the lion anti-christ" this morning after something moonsheen said to me on the phone the other night re: The Bookstore Narnia Anti-God debacle. It just now occurred to me that I probably sound like a goth furry. Um, I'm not, I just have the same sense of humor as a seven year old.

BUT REALLY. Okay. So, yesterday was Friday and--OH MAN A WOODPECKER JUST FLEW ONTO THE ROOF BESIDE ME AWESOME. Spring is awesome, guys. (I'm on the porch, btw. A woodpecker didn't just fly into my house. That would be less cool and more, "OH MY GOD THERE'S A BIRD IN MY HOUSE WHAT?!")

Anyway. Yesterday was Friday and I spent it in Manhattan with a variety of wonderful people. I met up with moonsheen around lunch time and we headed down to Washington Square Park for Peanut Butter. OH MAN. So good. We took ours to go and had a picnic in the part next to the dog walk, where we named all the dogs. There was Gremlin, Whitey, Tubs of Fun, That Bulldog, and many more. Whitey kept trying to escape. Hilarious!

Slightly before that I had a TAMPON EMERGANCY which is that I woke up spotting and thought, "Oh Jesus Christ, already? Really? Maybe I just kicked myself in the vag in my sleep" and then stupidly only put on a pad and not a tampon. I didn't even have a tampon in my freaking purse, which led to me buying a box of OB because my purse is little and not big enough to carry a box of Tampax or anything like that. (Apparently "Tampax" is a recognized word in my computer's dictionary.) I emptied the box into my purse so I could throw it away, and now there are seventeen tampons in my purse. It makes it hard to find my chapstick by touch, let me tell you.

Anyway, we walked from the park to The Strand where we mostly looked at kids' books before walking to the Union Square B&N to get cheap drinks (50% discount! :D) and look for a book that The Strand didn't have. While we were there, suchthefangirl called! She and Hubby were done with the panel at the con and wanted to know if we were around to hang out. Clearly the answer was "yes," so we met them at 42nd Street, thanks to Alex's rocking fedora. (My army green pedal pushers, the other marker I gave her, got lost in the crowd XD) We ended up at (blast from the past guys) (no, seriously, those of you who were Rent kids are going to laugh) The Place Across The Street From Starbucks aka Cafe Duké. They had knock-off Pinkberry that Alex and I gobbled down and we sat and talked for about an hour and a half. It was so, so nice. Seriously, suchthefangirl and Hubby both are just the sweetest people ever and very fun to talk to and hang out with. Plus, Alex got to tell her "Mona Lisas" story again, and I love that one.

Unfortunately, we had to be back home for RUFUS, so we cut the conversation short around five and headed over to the Port Authority, where we were just in time for a bus back to good old Parsip. True Fact: Getting from New Road to Arlington Plaza took almost as long as getting from the end of the tunnel to New Road. At least, it felt that way.

Securely back in town, we interneted briefly and then--I dunno, maybe we took a nap or something. I can't remember. But I called my parents for directions and then we hit Morristown! We got there a few minutes early, so we strolled around the block. On the way over I had introduced Alex to The Weepies (mostly because my iPod is on 24/7 WEEPIES until the 22nd, and which point it will be 24/7 NEW WEEPIES. Also, I only have three Rufus songs on there right now because I STILL haven't transferred all the files over from my old computer.), so while we walked I tried to convince her to write a story based on a particular Weepies song.

THEN, OKAY. THEN. We got to our seats and sat down and IT WAS TIME FOR RUFUS. Almost. First Sloan Wainwright did a set. I wasn't familiar with her voice/work, and I was skeptical at first, but by the end I was a fan. It took me about two seconds to deduce that she was a batshit crazy hippie, though, and I told Alex that at least we could tell she was a Wainwright.

She did four or five songs and then Claudia Marshall (WFUV DJ) came out in a sparkly coat that she wore just for Rufus to introduce him and everyone went nuts.

Neither of us had ever seen him live before and it was such a treat. Oh my lord, guys, he's just so hilarious. It felt more like a coffeehouse show than a theatre show, especially since he kept talking about random things during the breaks between songs and then interrupting the middle of a song to finish his thought or to continue on the subject. He's on the cover of The Advocate this month and was talking about how he loved the pictures but he thought the article was kind of digging on him because they said he "talked like he was a figure." "Oh, I'm sorry. I'll try not to talk like a figure." And then he bitched about it for awhile and started "Gay Messiah," which he stopped to say, "What does that mean? I'll talk as if I'm nothing!" and then started the song from the beginning again.

He did it a few other times, talking about Obama and about Reverand Wright and, "UnAmerican? What, do they thing they'll become President and make America into something else? Like Canada or France or something?" And later stopped to say he thought we should make American Iceland because they have "hot springs in the city!" and he looked so much younger there and he missed it.

He played so many great songs, though! Oh my lord, I didn't expect him to play so many songs off past albums, but he did "The Art Teacher" and "Cigarettes and Chocolate Milk" and "Poses" and "Gay Messiah" and "Mattinee Idol" and... um... others. I forgot to make a set list. Oh! Rebel Prince! I think he was going to do "Dinner at Eight" because he called Sloan on stage and after she left he was talking about doing a song about family but stopped because he wanted to "keep it upbeat." So he did "Rebel Prince" instead because he's going to Brazil soon.

Um, gosh, what else? He did "Hallelujah" to close, which surprised me? But maybe he does it a lot. WHO KNOWS? But he was just adorable and hilarious and fabulous and... oh man. SO RIDICULOUS. He is just a ridiculous, ridiculous human being. I said to Alex that I didn't understand how he didn't disappear into a puff of pink sparkly smoke. She decided that it's because John Barrowman continues to exist as well. Their queerness offets each other.

But what a great, great, great show. Oh wow. So much fun, such a great time. I had a huge smile on my face all night.

Afterwards we went to IHOP for dinner and then PathMark to buy pomegrantate juice (we had cravings.). When we got home we watched "Doppelganger" because Alex hadn't seen it and... really, how could she have missed something that gay. We looked at Sam's tits a lot and laughed at the antics and talked about how Ronon's warriorness totally works with his comic-relief-sarcastic-ness. And also, how Lorne is adorable. And also, how Sam's tits look awesome in that episode.

This morning she went back home and I went to The Bookstore. And now I'm home!


Wow, look at that! A real honest-to-goodness LJ entry! That never happens anymore! Maybe I'm out of my slump!

ivy is the best, alex has a tag, rl, concerts, music, rufus wainwright, friends

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