fight girl battle world!

Mar 22, 2008 00:03

Oh my god, you guys. Just... oh my god.

Pretend this whole entry is in caps, okay? Because that's how excited I am about my evening.

I met up with priscellie who had IMed me last week and told me about this show called Fight Girl Battle World that she had seen with some Browncoat friends and loved. And it seemed cool so we decided to go tonight.

And. Oh my god. Guys. This show. Was brilliant.

It was like a classic cheesy scifi movie, complete with classic cheesy scifi plot and characters and stuff but it was ON STAGE and HYSTERICAL and AMAZING. There were aliens and space battles and epic fight scenes and MUSICAL MONTAGES and there are no adequate words to describe the glee. It was just EPIC and AWESOME and if you live in the NYC area and you can make it in to see it before it closes on March 30th, DO IT. SERIOUSLY. YOU WILL REGRET IT IF YOU DON'T. moonsheen and I are going again next week!


In FANDOM news, you know how I talked about DLing songs because I hear them in commercials? I also DL songs I hear in vids. That being said, it sucks when an AWESOME vid comes along and you get the song stuck in your head from watching it for about eighty hours straight and you have too much pride to DL the song.

For example.

When I was at shala's, she showed me this John/Rodney vid to Avril Lavine's song "Girlfriend." And I liked it at the time but I feel as though I am OBSESSED with it now. It's HYSTERICAL and I swear to god I could watch it for hours straight, over and over again. I laugh just THINKING about Rodney's dismissive wave on "she's like, so whatever" and the close up on his portrait from "The Game" on "I'm the mother-fucking princess." OH MY GOD, RODNEY, YOU TOTALLY ARE.

But I just can't bring myself to DL the song! Luckily, I have this vid on my iPod (and that's another thing. Oh my god. Vids on my iPod. My life is infinitely better today than it was yesterday because I figured out how to do that.) and can just watch it instead of listening to the song when I get the urge. (I imagine the song loses something when it's not accompanied by Rodney dismissing John's GotW.)

On the other hand, take something like this John/Rodney vid to Carbon Leaf's "Life Less Ordinary." This is something I love with absolutely no irony. It is FABULOUS. It tells a great story and it's achey and perfect and I'm pretty sure I once watched it like, eight times in a row. I DLed the song after the first time I watched the vid and I've DEFINITELY listened to it at least eight or so times in a row. IT'S AMAZING. The vid is just... oh man. I just want to make flaily hands. JOHN! BEING UNSURE! ABOUT RODNEY! AND! OMG! FLAILY HANDS!

::cough:: Anyway, I forgot where I was going with this and the longer I spend typing, the less time I spend eating my toast.


Tomorrow my parents and I are going to CT to visit Boy Child for easter. I'll have my laptop but I don't know how much I'll be online, or if the hotel even has wireless. If I don't talk to anyone, have a happy easter if you celebrate it!

music, sga, rec, theatre, vids, friends

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