Dinner and a friend

Feb 08, 2010 15:38

DATE: Feb 8
CHARACTER(S): Kevin Ford/Rose Tyler
STATUS: closed/maybe Josh later? Dunno.
SUMMARY: He invited her to dinner, and she accepted
LOCATION: Cabin 409

Cooking, as a rule, wasn't a chore that Kevin truly enjoyed. The problem was, he enjoyed decent food, and he hadn't found anyone at all that could cook it. Meaning he was on his own.

Tonight, there'd be decent company for dinner at least. Miss Rose - a rather new arrival - had accepted his invitation to dinner. He was glad that there were some ingredients that he could use. Fried okra, corn bread, and meatless chili made a filling meal at least.

He'd even managed to make up some of his Mama's old strawberry shortcake for dessert. And Josh could just go without.

He was just pulling the cornbread from the oven, when the knock came on the door. "Jus' a minute!" He called, putting the heavy pan on the stove, next to the bubbling chili. Pulling off the oven mitts, he made sure his skin was covered, and went to answer the door. "Evenin' Rose. C'mon in." He said, smiling warmly.

kevin "wither" ford, ††rose tyler

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