Ooo a curfew-breaker!

Feb 09, 2010 17:58

DATE: Nearly curfew on whichever day Arachne acquired his pet
CHARACTER(S): Palpatine, Kate Bishop
STATUS: Closed / Complete. Well, that was short. Oh well.
SUMMARY: Palpatine goes to sleep in the media center.
LOCATION: a comfy couch!

Palpatine didn't care what Arachne said about the alleged good behavior of that bizarre spider-creature; he couldn't trust it not to disturb him in his sleep. He had tried to sleep in the same room as other such creepy crawlies in the past, to no avail. Not since...

No matter, it was all in the very distant past now. Why the fear should linger, he did not know, but it perturbed him. No one must know this weakness of his.

He tried to tell himself that the thing looked more like a human than a spider... was more human than spider... but Arachne had identified it as a spider, and thus, the traditional spider image was conjured in his brain now, the mantra of SPIDER SPIDER SPIDER repeating in his brain until the repetition lulled him into a false sense of security... nearly asleep... but NO! He must resist the temptation! Must be vigilant! SPIDER SPIDER SPIDER...

Palpatine couldn't stand it. He decided he'd rather risk being caught breaking curfew than to sleep in a confined cabin with the little beastie. After all, what consequences did breaking curfew have? He wasn't even a teenager prowling about looking to cause mischief. He was an older gentleman seeking a place to slumber. What would they do to him if he refused to go back to his room? Throw him in jail? That would be preferable to sharing a room with an insect.

Since it was nearly curfew now (he did tend to retire early), the center was quite deserted. With any luck he could make a habit of sleeping here every night. True, the sofa wasn't quite his Alderaanian relaxa-bed back home, but neither was the bed he shared with Arachne, now, was it. This would do until Arachne tired of caring for his pet. Palpatine curled up with a small blanket pulled around him and closed his eyes.

palpatine, kate bishop

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