would it be politically incorrect for me to have a crush on a boy?
how long have i been 'gay'... i put gay in quotations because while occasionally i'll say i'm bisexual it's been a while since i've even thought or looked at boys. so back to the question at hand - it's been about three years since i've had any serious feelings for a boy. once in a while i'll admire one but it's more like - that boy dresses really well i wonder if he's gay or just metro. just a little side note the worse thing to happen to gay culture is straight guys starting to dressing like gay guys. i think carrie bradshaw said it best "i think being bisexual is just a lay over to gay town" - more often than not it's like this - bisexual women and bisexual men all just end up sleeping with men. i know to some that's a horrible stereotype but it wouldn't be a stereotype if the majority of people didn't fit it.
am i a stereotype?
lets examine the facts - a day i'll check out about... twenty girls. i go weeks without checking out a single guy. in every class i have atleast one girl i'm in like with based purely on hair, clothes, flaws and eyes. i only have one boy in one of my classes that i like but i really think i only like him because he's dating an ugly girl i sort of know. i've only ever fallen in love with girl(s).
i'm infatuated with one girl.
in love with another.
trying to get a different girl.
stalking another.
. yup i'm so fucking gay. lets throw in the towel already