Perhaps Helpful Hints regarding Food

Jan 05, 2010 14:03

These are tips/instructions used by people who have had weight loss surgery to help them stay comfortable eating and promote weight loss at the same time. If you remember, your mother probably said some of these things while you were a teenager wolfing down a poptart as you headed out the door. YMMV.

1. Stop drinking with your meals. Stop at least a half hour prior and do not drink until a half hour to hour after your meal. This will help your food stay in your stomach and keep you feeling satisfied far longer. However, the rest of the day needs to see you taking in one ounce of non-carbonated non-alcohol liquid to every two pounds of your body weight. Don't forget, 3 servings of dairy every day. It aids in muscle building.
2. Eat your food in order. Protein first. Then green things. Then, if you have room, carbohydrates.
3. Take smaller bites. Cut food into pieces about 1 inch in size. Chew your food completely, to the point where you don't really feel the need to swallow because the food is somewhat disintegrated/disappeared.
4. Lay the fork down in between bites. Chat between bites.
5. Pure Protein bars don't suck, lots of protein, small amount of sugar. Chocolate source. Also, Atkins meal bars are great an hour before working out.
6. Savor your food and resist eating in front of the television or while standing, etc.
7. Use smaller plates to dine.
8. Garbage in, garbage out. Something decadent and savory will be far more satisfying in small amounts than a large order of greasy fries. Big flavors are awesome, like citrus, blue cheese, carmelized onions, aromatic vegetables, ripe tomatoes, etc. will all be more satisfying than nasty greasy potatoes.
9. Plan your meals. Small, protein rich snacks between meals will promote a higher metabolic rate.

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