Mar 31, 2008 09:00
I had one of those weekends that I wish I could relive again. Whenever I escape the small city to a larger one, I'm always wistful of returning. I went to NYC to visit some friends and I had a blast. I met up with one of my journo classmates who was visiting the city and of course spent time with some old friends. I did some shopping, went to a comedy club (!!!) and ate a dosa after the. Longest. Time.
As has been customary from my last trip to NYC, it was raining when I arrived. Thankfully it was the warm, springtime-y rain, so I wasn't that upset. Friday was cloudy still (although at the one break of sunshine, I had my sunglasses on, if only briefly) but I managed to do a LOT of shopping and walked until my legs gave out. I definitely had the tourist look since I walked up and down 8th and Broadway about ten times in thirty minutes. I couldn't figure out why I was so sore the next day until my brain remembered that oh, I haven't walked that much in about 8 months. Duh.
Friday night, the friends and I managed to squeeze into the Comedy Cellar at Greenwich Village. One of my friends who was out of town this weekend happens to live literally right across the street from the club, and I was sad she wasn't with us. Next time, for shizzle! Anyway, since we got in at the last minute, our seats were right in front of the stage. As soon as I sat down, I knew I was going to be one of the 'chosen ones.' Sure enough, two or three of the comedians picked on me. I was sort of mortified at first, but it was quite nice, actually. I always wondered how comedians pick on random people in the audience and come up with brilliant jokes (Tap sum bong, anyone? From Russell Peters...). Now I see that it really is just improv, not some sort of weird setup where they pick on a practised and chosen member of the audience. Anyway--most of the acts were great. The first guy was totally unfunny to me. I'm really difficult to please when it comes to comedy--anyone can make jokes and maybe you're well loved, but if I don't think you're funny, I'm not going to laugh. I'm sure the first guy thought I was a total biznatch, especially since I had my back to the stage (such was the way we were seated) and I didn't laugh at all. He had plenty of other fans though, so I'm sure he doesn't feel deflated.
The second comedienne definitely picked on me for having my back to the stage. I wasn't being rude to her, my neck just hurt every time I turned around.
I don't remember all the names of the comedians who performed (if I saw the name, I'd remember). I do remember Colin Quinn and I wondered WHERE do I know him from? I knew he was famous. I knew I'd seen him on some show before. Then today I realised DOH he was on "Tough Crowd with Colin Quinn." I used to watch that nearly every day my freshman year of college. My roommate and I watched "The Daily Show" and "Tough Crowd" came on after that. Hm. He wasn't that funny Friday night though. Part of his act was, and part of it was dull.
After the club we all went into a bar so aptly named Off the Wagon. It was dirty and totally collegian. And since we were around NYU, most of the patrons were college kids. I hadn't been in a bar since college, so that was a bit weird. We all hung out there for a bit before me and one friend decided to call it a night.
Saturday was bright and sunny. I experienced a moment of pure joy when I peeked out the window to see the sunlight bathing the city. HURRAH! We didn't get to do much that day since I had an early train, but we did get out and enjoy the weather on our walk to Tiffinwallah. I hadn't had dosa in god knows how long. And I had a yummy sambar vada. South Indian food = delicious.
I would've loved to have stayed on for a few more hours (or till Sunday evening, if I hadn't had to work) but I really did have a great time. Yay for short weekend trips! Hurrah for meeting up with friends! And thank god for big cities that aren't too far away from me because god knows I need a taste of proper civilisation once in a while.
AND in news made of awesome, former Illini Kevin Anderson defeated world No. 3 Novak Djokovic at the Miami Masters on Friday. Of course, since I was oblivious to tennis news and did not peruse the Internet all of Friday, I hadn't a clue. So imagine my ecstasy at learning that the one kid from uni that I picked as a real success on the pro tour goes on and defeats the tour's current hottest player. HURRAH! Sadly, Kevin lost to Igor Andreev (another fave of mine) last night. But at least he takes away that feeling of beating his first Top Ten player only months into his pro career. You go, Kevin Anderson. I support you!
Rafa defeated Kiefer last night, so phew, he's still in. Fed too, although I'm kind of back in my 'whatever' phase about him. Blake defeated Santoro the Magician in three and yeah. Tsonga's on today and Ancic, mercifully, is still in. GO TENNIS, best sport ever!
Oh and on a last sporting note, me and my Illini buds were sorely disappointed that Wisconsin and Michigan State fell in the NCAA tournament. Where's the Big Ten representation? SIGH.
new york,