11 - But there's one thing I know and I know it for sure

Jul 12, 2011 18:49

[The view today isn't Muraki's apartment, but the lobby of an office building in Somni so freshly repaired that the pale blue paint on the walls is still damp. Several antique-looking porcelain dolls rest on a shelf behind the receptionist's area while the main part probably looks boringly familiar to people as a waiting room of some sort.]

With repairs finishing fairly fast, I took it on myself to start up a clinic for natives and dreamers alike. It will work on a relatively sliding scale -- some things cost the same no matter what, but most fees can be adjusted depending on someone's financial capabilities here in Somarium. We have no idea if diseases will break out from the water damaging everything and there's still a high chance of injury from the repair process itself. And of course, all services performed here are confidential. I won't even say if I've heard of you before.

Let this be my chance at a fresh start, Somarium. Don't let my past ruin my chances at starting anew to make a better future for myself and others here.

[OOC: This post is open for threadjacking and eavesdropping of all sorts. PS to criminal/shady types -- that part about confidentiality was a poke to get your services if you can trust him.]

c: kio kaidou, c: mille feuille, video, playing hero, best of intentions, c: souji okita, c: lelouch vi britannia, c: flora, c: james potter, and there's a creepy doll, c: omi tsukiyono, c: belphegor

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