10 - Actin' a bizarre charade/While playin' the saint

Jun 25, 2011 20:44

[In Muraki's penthouse, the curtains are wide open, revealing the rain pouring down outside in the growing darkness of the night. He knows the full moon is up there even if he can't see it, so he looks up for a moment before he turns around to stare at his Dreamberry.]

The waters keep rising and I assume people will need a place to stay until they recede. My apartment is the 10th floor, which should be high enough to avoid even the worst of storms and floods. Normally, I enjoy my privacy and my space, but in this case I'll make an exception. I have two spare bedrooms and a large living room for a few sleeping bags as well. I'm also a trained surgeon in case there are medical emergencies during any stay here.

For the newcomers, my name is Dr. Kazutaka Muraki. Despite what some are likely to say about me, I only want to help as best I can right now. Anyone who stays with me will be as safe as I can keep them.

c: kio kaidou, video, playing hero, c: souji okita, c: ritsuka aoyagi, c: schuldig, c: jin kisaragi, living a normal life, event time!, c: soubi agatsuma, c: belphegor

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