REFERENCE - Timeline

Jun 08, 2030 18:06

Mainly so I can keep track of Souji's interactions, just in case.
DAY 1:  Arriving at the Velvet Mall. (HOME: Day 2) OTHER PEOPLE'S POST 1: The bathhouse is having a soap-special free service! OTHER PEOPLE'S POST 2: Graveyard visit OTHER PEOPLE'S POST 3: Bioshock!Naoto's arrival DAY 2: PIN PILE OTHER PEOPLE'S POST 4: New Pharos OTHER PEOPLE'S POST 5: DRwide Mourning Period JOURNAL POST 1: Benchies Unite! (double_reverse , greekavenger )
  • Amnesiac Sleepover -> 'Souji's dead and his persona's messed up' -> 'wtf is going on, Izanagi' -> Souji and Notnato becoming roommates! (In a nutshell)
OTHER PEOPLE'S POST 6: New True End!Souji
OTHER PEOPLE'S POST 7: A Rumoured Beast Prowling
OTHER PEOPLE'S POST 8: Sleeping Angel on a Bench
OTHER PEOPLE'S POST 9: Human!Soujibot's Rearrival OTHER PEOPLE'S POST 10: TWEWY!DeSu!MC-tan has appear! OTHER PEOPLE'S POST 11: PAINT CANS OTHER PEOPLE'S POST 12: A New Demi-Fiend OTHER PEOPLE'S POST 13: Nephilims in the Kitchen~ OTHER PEOPLE'S POST 14: A Mute!Minato appears! OTHER PEOPLE'S POST 15: Father's Day Feast!
  • Saw the Nephilim with Mister Angel (Mastema) by chance. Reminds Souji too much of his current lack of fatherly bonding. Learns about the Nephilim. (adarkerangel )
OTHER PEOPLE'S POST 16: The Arcade! JOURNAL POST 2: The (Strip) Game Room~ DAY 3: Psychokinesis Practice! (greekreaper , first_halfdemon , catproxy )

OTHER PEOPLE'S POST 17: Raiho is hee!
DAY 4: Is fine, really. (HOME: Day 2, Post-Mission) (ghostheadphones , seesbowlcut , regainedvirtue regainedvirtue , bravebutemo , double_reverse )

JOURNAL POST 3: The Secret's Out (Private: bravebutemo , double_reverse )

OTHER PEOPLE'S POST 18: Alice Rearrival (death_maid )
OTHER PEOPLE'S POST 19:  New Serph (sheffield_v3pt0 )

OTHER PEOPLE'S POST 20: Seven Deadly Receipts of Sins OTHER PEOPLE'S POST 21: Lategame!Jimenez, damnit Souji (demonvatos  )

OTHER PEOPLE'S POST 22: Persona-user!Dojima. (det_hierophant ) OTHER PEOPLE'S POST 23: Souji Dojima! (shadowsketcher )

OTHER PEOPLE'S POST 24: The Frosts have kidnapped your clothes! Are you a bad enough dude to rescue your clothes? (shirogane_heir )

OTHER PEOPLE'S POST 25: Good Cop, Bad Rioting, stopped Notnato's charge but somehow get into a fight with Thanatos' wife. Ffffff--WAIT HE APPEARS AHH (icyfeisty , greekreaper , double_reverse )

OTHER PEOPLE'S POST 26: Hugged by roommate (double_reverse )

OTHER PEOPLE'S POST 27: OH GOD GET IT OFF (undercard , bravebutemo , idkmybffmort )

OTHER PEOPLE'S POST 28: Waking up a sleepy Yukari. Wait, Minato...?! (for_my_sempai )

OTHER PEOPLE'S POST 29: Adult Akihiko! (star_parent )

OTHER PEOPLE'S POST 30: New Rednato likes kitty. (redunderworld )

OTHER PEOPLE'S POST 31: HEATWAVE AHHHH (tvorbust  ) must cool down with psych soda (lady_of_flys )

OTHER PEOPLE'S POST 32: Aiding from a distance (withallclarity )

OTHER PEOPLE'S POST 33: PLAYGROUND! (regainedvirtue regainedvirtue , deathof4thwall ) and taking on Igor oh god (mynoseisbigger )

DAY 5: Sleeping Arrival (HOME: Early Day 3) (bravebutemo , tvorbust  , adarkerangel , shirogane_heir , midnight_static )


OTHER PEOPLE'S POST 35: Pizza, Pizza, I would love a pizza~! (demoncompkid )

OTHER PEOPLE'S POST 36: C-c-cold w-w-wave. (bravebutemo )

OTHER PEOPLE'S POST 37: Sukeban!Souji-chan~ (oshare_sukeban )

OTHER PEOPLE'S POST 38: A certain masked man... (idkmybffjung )

OTHER PEOPLE'S POST 39: His first physical (since he died)! (star_parent )

OTHER PEOPLE'S POST 40: Nyx's Painting (endingtheworld )

OTHER PEOPLE'S POST 41: Composer Naoya. Be afraid, very, very afraid. (songofshibuya )

OTHER PEOPLE'S POST 42: Personal Hell (catproxy , oshare_sukeban ) don't go! (deathof4thwall ) Also, punching God Michi out of it and helping Mastema (demoncompkid , adarkerangel )

OTHER PEOPLE'S POST 43: Kanji. With shiny wings. (threadandwings  )

OTHER PEOPLE'S POST 44: I'm not an butterfly perch! (deathof4thwall )

OTHER PEOPLE'S POST 45: Into the forest we go~! (next_izanagi , bravebutemo /facedestiny , songofshibuya , tvorbust  , shirogane_heir ) Also, Composer!Naoya is a cheater.

OTHER PEOPLE'S POST 46: Obon Festival. (songofshibuya )

OTHER PEOPLE'S POST 47: Notnato's Return (double_reverse )

OTHER PEOPLE'S POST 48: chapel? Waitamin-- (lonlysliceofham )

OTHER PEOPLE'S POST 49: Strange words but ffffff-- (bravebutemo /facedestiny )

OTHER PEOPLE'S POST 50: COOKIES! (bathhouse_boss ) and his roomies are kiddies (double_reverse , bravebutemo /facedestiny )

OTHER PEOPLE'S POST 51: Senpai's return (bravebutemo /facedestiny )

OTHER PEOPLE'S POST 52: Mothman for President! (deathof4thwall )

DAY 6: Safe...from being chased... (pink_cadenza , ghostheadphones , demifemme , divinebowlcut , shadowsketcher , arisato_isamu )

OTHER PEOPLE'S POST 53: A meeting with Death (thanabro )

OTHER PEOPLE'S POST 54: A Touch of Envy (idkmybffmort )

OTHER PEOPLE'S POST 55: Obon Festival. The urge to visit. (double_reverse , divinebowlcut , demifemme )

OTHER PEOPLE'S POST 56: FFFFFF-- (livesbytheword , songofshibuya )

OTHER PEOPLE'S POST 57: An Identification Dilema (bowlcutbot9000 )

OTHER PEOPLE'S POST 58: MONSTERS (personaloidprog )

OTHER PEOPLE'S POST 59: I'm sleepy... (midnight_static )

OTHER PEOPLE'S POST 60: An decidedly ungodlike entrance (alllyingbelow )

OTHER PEOPLE'S POST 61: It's time for school! (lonlysliceofham , kidofinaba )

OTHER PEOPLE'S POST 62: Cry of a Bird (fallenknowledge )

OTHER PEOPLE'S POST 63: Another Alternate (player_chara )

DAY 7: Glimpses of each other's memories. (demoncompkid , double_reverse )

OTHER PEOPLE'S POST 64: Lust Sunday, talking with Senna (midnight_static )

OTHER PEOPLE'S POST 65: Awkward Monday, Many Shadows (death_maid )

OTHER PEOPLE'S POST 66: Why are we in prison? (double_reverse )

DAY 8: Contemplative Return (arcanaflip )

OTHER PEOPLE'S POST 67: Happy Birthday, Doc! (star_parent )

OTHER PEOPLE'S POST 68: WOLVES. Uh, Alice...? (death_maid )

OTHER PEOPLE'S POST 69: Huh, Shura...? (shirogane_heir , summoner_14 )

OTHER PEOPLE'S POST 70: Helping out Akihiko (undercard )

JOURNAL POST 4: He knows, Senpai... (bravebutemo /facedestiny , double_reverse ) [Backdated to Sept. 19th]

OTHER PEOPLE'S POST 71: Towels. Effects. Senpai. (bravebutemo /facedestiny )

OTHER PEOPLE'S POST 72: Sakura Wars!Rise (shadow_opera )

OTHER PEOPLE'S POST 73: Hug Day! (undercard )

OTHER PEOPLE'S POST 74: Another Yosuke, another disappoinment. (lets_go_partner )

OTHER PEOPLE'S POST 75: Tea Effects! Two sparkling people! (shadow_opera )

OTHER PEOPLE'S POST 76: Unknowingly Revelations (lets_go_partner )

OTHER PEOPLE'S POST 77: A mysterious cat (dual_paradox )


OTHER PEOPLE'S POST 78: A Player's Return (catproxy )

OTHER PEOPLE'S POST 79: A female version of Senpai (silentafterglow )

OTHER PEOPLE'S POST 80: Thanksgiving! (midnight_static , double_reverse )

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