Birthday stuff...

May 25, 2010 15:48

Birthday was good. Got a haircut. Did some homewares op-shopping (didn't find anything, Q got a bit o glassware). Made a vegetarian moussaka. Finally assembled my Ikea-mod-wardrobe [1]. Went to dinner party with said moussaka. Got drunk, met people, talked, danced silly. Walked home from the city for the first time ever.

Other house stuff:
* Q finally planted our Tahitian lime on Sunday (*waits for summer G&Ts*)
* I tried growing a rosemary cutting in a terracotta pot which has been dead potting mix for at least two years and which was being used as an ash tray by visitors. The cutting didn't take, but something else started sprouting. The lily which used to inhabit the pot (at least 2+ years ago, possibly 3-4?) has returned from the dead.
* Coriander has bolted. Basil not liking the cold n wet. Rosemary (from seedling not cutting) finally settling in and actually growing.
* Q parents sent me a birthday box which arrived yesterday - Q-mum extremely observant and noticed we didn't have a pastry brush when we made hot-cross buns over Easter (while they were visiting)! So they got us one! Unfortunately I must've bought one just after they left so now we have two - both of cool space-age silicon ;-) They also included a really nice set of sturdy measuring spoons which we have really really really needed and which I've even tried to buy previously but have been stymied (damn you DJ's ugly flimsy spoons!). Plus other kitchen stuff including a pastry blender! - which I'd never heard of before, and didn't have any instructions, but happily appears to work exactly as I'd surmised.
* Now we need to find a rug.

[1] Haven't been able to find a wardrobe I like (looked haphazardly for some months), so ended up getting the cheapest Ikea one available. Unfortunately, but unsurprisingly, it only came in a white laminate I didn’t like, so it required a paint-modification (black). It became apparent my sandpapering wasn’t as thorough as the very smooth plasticky surface required, and it’s ended up requiring THREE coats of paint. And because it needed 24 hours between coats, and because it’s been too cold and dark out when I get home from work to do it on weekdays, and because of weekend interruptions, and because I had to rotate various flatpack pieces in order to cover exposed edges, it has taken me like more than 2 months to have all the pieces painted! But finally assembled it on Saturday. It looks...better...than it would've otherwise. "Interestingly", on Saturday morning, whilst op-shopping, I saw a nice old wardrobe which might’ve been acceptable :-P

consumerism, family, house, parties, gifts

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