Today I've shared something special with my fiance. The yearly watching of the Lord of the Rings Extended back to back. It takes up approximately 11 hrs and 6 minutes, but we were well stocked on food. I enjoyed spending time with her while doing something incredibly geeky (and some might consider it wasteful). We both enjoyed making geeky comments and picking the movies apart.
Naturally, we do multitask a bit during the movie. I've recently been playing the original Final Fantasy (on an emulator). This was a good opportunity to get some progress in it. Though at one point the system malfunction and reverted the save back to a couple hours past. It was especially frustrating as I've forgotten how to speed text up for the game. And even though that frustrated me, it also reassured me of something. A simple thing as looking at my fiance can help melt away my aggressions. Her attempts to cheer me up, helped even more so.
Madison got a fair amount of knitting done during the marathon of movies. In addition, she seems to be a bit more confident now in looking for a job. Although there are only a bunch of part time library jobs, she is looking into retail and into an internship within her knitting network. She's getting herself on track and will soon be where she wants to be. Another fun thing we might try doing in a bit is starting a podcast to review various sci-fi and fantasy media. Current things up on the to do list is Doctor Who, Forever Knight, Babylon 5. If anyone has requests I'll be happy to toss it on the queue (as well as link to the podcast when we actually get down to making them).
Last word, here is a fun little flash game I've discovered.
It is a puzzle game. I'm currently stuck on level 30, but it's loads of fun for those who're interested.