Small piece of a major update...

Jul 05, 2005 16:13

It's been quite a long time, since my last post. I'll post more of a rehash of my Independence Day festivities, and reply to some anonymous fan-mail later on. In the meantime, for your viewing displeasure, a reply to my cousin, and roommate's livejournal. He's been dodging from me for too long, and I finally got final word from my boss at Target that they won't take him back. Amy told me that she's been reading his livejournal and he has been whining to the world about how everyone is out to wreck his life, and blaming his Mom for caring about him. I finally read the entries from the last week or so, and found it amusing that even his friends are telling him that he's living in a fantasy world.

If he kept communicating with me, and maintained my trust, and was motivated enough to run right out and apply to a bunch of jobs, then I wouldn't have to evict him... but, it's too late on all accounts. I haven't been able to see him long enough to talk to him, and tell him what needs to transpire. I really hate to send him home, but I'm hurting myself and calling in favors from my own family and friends to keep my head above water. My other roommate, Jason, who's finally moved in, likes him and doesn't want to do this to him, either.

Here it is in its entirety:

You're Mom is pestering you because she loves you and cares about your well-being. It appears to be nagging, and yes, is annoying. You are her only son. You scared the shit out of her the other day, when she heard your counselor saying you were suicidal. They may have both been over-reacting, but if it was your closest friend, wouldn't you do whatever it took to insure their safety? I would hope so. It's a gray area, discussing your problems with the world. I know you're upset, but you shouldn't have posted your Mom's AIM name.

I know your life seems dark and dismal now, but you had a false start. We all have had them. I was unemployed 5 months before Target, and my parents were threatening to throw me out because I couldn't pay them rent. Yes, pay THEM rent. Ever since I started work, I agreed to pay my folks $200 a month at $25 a week, and then up it to $400 at $50 a week for the food, hot water and power I consume every day. It is perfectly reasonable. Your parents aren't even going to ask for rent.

You need to be home where you can get re-employed, and save some money for a little bit for your re-entry into the real world. Many people must do this once or twice until they get it right. My father's done it when he was younger, many of my uncles and aunts have. If the debt you put me in, trying to keep you afloat for so long, pulls me down too far, I may have to as well. It hurts the pride, and my folks will require rent again, but it's reality.

I've been meaning, for the world, to sit down and chat with you about things, but you're never there. Reality is perception, and what your parents, and myself are perceiving, is that you run and hide from your problems, and lie when finally confronted. The day you found out the shrink wanted you to get evaluated, you were going to run and hide from your Mom and everybody, until you thought about how sick it would make your Mom and how worried everyone would be. Every day I want to talk to you about things, you are either gone, or sound asleep when I get home from work, and take off before or as I get up. You tell me you have so much money, and I count on it for rent, you spend it and splurge. Now that you have food stamps, you're wasting it on junk food and snacks. Do you know the last time I've spent money aside from on groceries and bills? Do you know the last time I had a chance to hang with my friends? You run out several times a day to hang with your friends, wasting gas and splurging on dvd's, games and junk food.

Then, you lie to me as to where the money went and how much you have. You lied to me, saying your parents were, yet again, going to spot you for rent money. They spent that money on your car payment and your gas money, because you ran out of cash! They're only threatening to have the car reposessed because they can't afford to spot you for payments, not with their own car bills and upkeep of their own place. Your Dad cosigned for you, against his better judgement, because you were making a move in the right direction, and got a job at Sam's. The same reason, in fact, I loaned you $210 of my saved money for moving and in case of emergency, for a computer you don't even like.

Meanwhile, I'm awaiting money for rent, and the other bills you haven't paid for, for the last month-and-a-half. I can barely keep myself afloat trying to keep up with my shit, let alone yours. I've asked you, told you and begged you to clean up your dishes. You did, eventually, about 2 weeks later... after I washed half of them because I was out of clean dishes. The busted lamp, which I'll never get restitution for, is still in pieces all over my dirty living room floor. Your friends busted it almost a month ago, and you've been promising to clean up after them, ever since... but you're too busy hiding, or sleeping, or vegging on your computer... instead of pulling your wait, paying for your end of the bills, or looking for a new job. I always clean up after my friends' visits, either that night, or the very next day. You just may not have been able to bear witness to this, yet, as I haven't had a day off with them in about 3 months, let alone the money to even catch a movie with them!

This is why your life sucks. It's not your Mom nagging you, it's not me pushing you out on the street for nothing, it's YOU. If I EVER get a chance to talk to you again, then this would precisely be what I say, "Go back home, find a job, and save up for a better start. You have until Monday, the 11th of July, to get whatever you are taking with you, and then the locks will be changed if you haven't turned over your key. I'm sorry, I did what I could to help you, put myself in debt, and trusted you. I hope you do better next time, and try not to hold this against me, as I have done what I could do to help a cousin, and a friend. I would still like to see you at LAN parties and Halo parties. I just can't keep doing this without hurting myself further."

--Your cousin, Brad Jr.
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