Mar 28, 2010 10:54
Right. I've got a metric fuckton of stuff to sort out; bills, interview preparation, lesson plans (IN BLOODY FRENCH!), graduation details, seemingly endless PGCE paperwork etcetera etcetera, so instead of getting me head down and getting it done i'm fannying about on LiveJournal. Ho hum.
Any road, i've not updated this since the dawn of bloody time so i reckon i'd best do so before i get on to the quizzes out of sheer procrastination. I'm nearing the end of my PGCE; just three more weeks of my placement left followed by a month's enrichment placement teaching maths to EAL (English as an Additional Language) kids and an absolute shitstorm of paperwork and deadlines and external examiners in the last two weeks and then i'm done.
Seeing as i'm almost at the end of the main part of the course, i've got pretty mixed feelings. On one hand, i'm immensely proud of me sen for getting so far in the course without buckling under the pressure; quite a few people in the course have either dropped out of choice or been kicked off the course for not keeping up with the workload. Of course, it's not over yet and there's still the potential for it all to go baked-bean shaped, but it's good to know that i can just about keep pace, and more importantly can actually teach. However, the really frustrating thing is that i know that currently i'm still not teaching as well i can do; there's been a few occasions where i've cobbled off really sub-par lessons either the day before or once or twice on the actual day as i've just been too knackered to face doing any more work. I mean, my SE2 placement have been absolutely marvellous with the support they've given us compared to the SE1 placement and i've come a long way towards being more professional, but it's still frustrating that there's still areas i'm fairly sub-standard in. Ah well, summat i'm going to have to work at, innit?
Also, there's the small matter of actually landing a fucking job some time soon; about two-thirds of the maths lot already have jobs sorted for next year so i'm getting a tad worried. I've an interview on tuesday at a school called Danum up in Doncaster, it's the first interview i've had as yet so i'm not expecting to get it truth be told, but it's all good practice i s'pose.
Outside of the PGCE, not a lot to report really. To quote Frank Turner, i've been so busy lately that every time i get some time to spend i end up drunk or sleeping in. Still, come friday i've two weeks off for a well-deserved easter break (the second week of which i'm going to lock me sen in me room and get all this damn paperwork sorted out), a three day binge in Manchester with Fletch and Price followed by a sojourn to Holland to see Frank Turner and Sarah (and her sister *wobbles glasses and lets steam escape from collar Harry Hill style*) is just what the doctor ordered :-D