The Movie 12 merchandises are released in full force now that the movie is finally released in Japan! My wallet has never wept like this ...EVER...
Here's a better picture of the 7/11 Lottery Arceus figure. It's 20 cm tall! I hope to get this soon..Just waiting for the price to go down.
These are Bath salts or oil I believe.
DX kids! I don't collect kids but the Arceus looks tempting..Actually all 4 look great.
Buildable figures! I definitely want to get the Arceus one. XD
Clipping figures. Yay!
Full colored, Gold and Silver keychains..hmmm I wonder what that means...*strokes chin*
Arceus and Gizamimi Pichu pillows! Sleep on an Arceus pillow and it'll fight all your bed monsters away!
That wraps up this edition of new Finds with Frugrow. XD Tune in next time, same time, same channelcommunity.