Hi community! :D
Well, I've been doing some thinking about all my old Pokemon figures. And I've decided to put some things up for sale. I have tons of rare sealed Hasbro figures, some from the Battle Frontier series, rare Thinkchip figures, and Real Attack Figures too! Come inside!
1) I live in the US, shipping will be more for other countries.
2) I only accept Paypal for payment.
3) I really don't want to hold items this time around, first come first serve. I need fast cash. :)
4) I'll end up shipping the day after, if not the day of, payment being sent.
5) I am huge collector of Jynx and Smoochum, feel free to offer any items you think I might like of them as payment as well. I will also be interested in Spiritomb/Rotom items for a friend. But I'm really looking for cash at this time.
Ok, let's get it started! :D
Sealed Hasbro Figures
Ash's Elite Pack Feat. Ash, Swellow, Corphish, Grovyle, Pikachu, & Torkoal
$15 or best offer
Grass VS Bug Pack Feat. Anorith, Armaldo, Lotad, & Lombre
Dark Type Pack Feat. Mightyena, Poochyena, Crawdaunt, Cacturne, & Sharpedo
$40 or best offer
Normal Type Pack Feat. Whismur, Loudred, Skitty, & Zangoose
Electric Type Pack Feat. Plusle, Minun, Electrike, & Manectric
$35 or best offer
Slaking & Vigoroth (Opened, but not taken out of the plastic - I have no idea why I ever did that! D:)
Charizard Pack!
May's Elite Pack Feat. Beautifly, Skitty & Munchlax x2
Pikachu Evolution Pack Feat. None Other Than Pichu, Pikachu, Raichu, & a Pokeball!
$30 or best offer
Water Type Pack Feat. Sharpedo, Azumarill, Lotad, & Marshtomp
Poison Type Pack Feat. Weezing & Seviper
Ash VS Team Rocket Pack Feat. Jesse, James, Ash, & Pikachu
Battle Frontier/Early DP Singles
Meowth, Aipom, & Groudon
Charizard, Totodile, & Plusle
$20 or best offer
Weavile, Mew, & Mr. Mime
$15 or best offer
Phanpy, Shiftry, & Clear Latias
Lucario w/ Marble
Breloom w/ Shroomish Marble
Bonsly w/ Marble
Geodude w/ Marble
Manaphy w/ Marble
Buizel w/ Marble
Chatot w/ Marble
Think Chip Figures
All in perfect condition, along with their cards.
Pikachu $15 or best offer & Raichu $30 or best offer
Bulbasaur $5 & Ivysaur $5
Charmander $8 or best offer, Charmeleon $8 or best offer, & Charizard $8 or best offer
Squirtle $6 or best offer, Wartortle $6 or best offer, & Blastoise $6 or best offer
Geodude $3, Graveler $3, & Golem $3
Cyndaquil $20 or best offer, Totodile $20 or best offer, & Jigglypuff $4
Real Attack Figures
Charizard with Flamethrower Attack!
$10 or best offer
Nidorino with Horn Attack Action!
$15 or best offer
Pikachu with Spinning Thunderbolts!
$15 or best offer
Spinarak with Spider Web Attack!
Blastoise with Hydro Pump Attack! (Little squirts more like, lol, never used.)
Graveler with Rock Throw Attack!
Heracross with Horn Attack action!
Venusaur with Vine Whip Attack (Can latch on and pull stuff back, totally cool.)
Chikorita with Razor Leaf!
Totodile with Water Gun Action! (Little squirt again, I used this one. You can see discoloration.)
Cyndaquil with Ember Attack!
$15 or best offer
Hitmontop with Triple Kick attack!
Scyther with Slash Attack!
$15 or best offer
Elekid with Thunderbolt Attack!
$10 or best offer
Last, but not least: The Legendary Birds
I don't really want to sell these, but I'm putting them up in case people want to make offers on them. They are so awesome and I'm really thinking about keeping them, but if I get a high enough offer on one of them, I might accept it.
Okay, this post just took forever. So I am going to bed relatively soon and everything will get answered in the morning when I get up. lol
Thanks for looking! :)