Zukan Collection Update - Double Grail item get! (P3)

Aug 13, 2018 01:21

Hiya everyone!
I've been collecting more zukans again (poor wallet), and got some really nice additions! Two grail items including one of even among my grail items in the absolute top tier!!
Spoiler alert: It's the Ho-oh zukan! And the other grail is the Jirachi zukan.
I actually have more coming, but I have some free time to make this post, and I gotta just make a post eventually. Can't really perpetually wait for everything I've ordered to come if I'm never sure I'll not just order more again.
Here's a teaser, everything new!

Individual pics and more info under the cut! (prolly good idea to open in a new tab, image heavy)

Alrighty there m8! Welcome to the cut, you're one of the cool kids now.

I'll start of listing exactly what's new. Bold = grail
RSE 01 - Poocheyna, Mightyena, Absol
RSE 02 - Jirachi
RSE 03 - Aron, Lairon, Aggron
RSE 04 - Electrike, Manectric
RSE 06 - Sabley, Mawile, Chimeco, Nosepass
RSE 07 - Spinda, Spinda, Spinda
RSE 08 - Grimer, Muk; Solrock, Lunatone
LOTERY - Ho-oh
DP 05 - Magnemite, Magneton, Magnezone
DP 06 - Ryhorn, Rhydon; Rhyperior
BW 05 - Genesect; Druddigon; Axew, Fraxure, Haxorus; Venipede, Whiripede, Scolipede; Litwick, Lampent, Chandelure

With that out of the way, let's get on to the pics and texts then!

RSE 01 - Poocheyna, Mightyena, Absol

When I got these I was quite surprised about how small they are :o It's not cleary visible in this photo, but the stands are those small ones, the same size as the Unown have. (Only without the hole for a peg :o) I thought Abol especially was bigger than that, given it's a scale figure. Still, the detail is gorgeous, and I'm really glad to have this zukan now!

RSE 02 - Jirachi

First grail! This thing was.. erhem.. expensive. But damn! Look at that GORGEous scenery! ... I'm so sorry for that pun, I'll see myself out.
I've only twice seen this zukan for sale, anywhere, so I had to jump it.

RSE 03 - Aron, Lairon, Aggron

It may not be a grail, but this one was certainly high on my wishlist! I actually bought it without base, and use a leftover base I had lying around. (I think it's Clamperl's base)
One of the coolest steel type lines in my opnion.

RSE 04 - Electrike, Manectric

I saw this one for pretty cheap, and jumped it. I've used Manectric on my team in RSE before. It's not a zukan that was high up my list, but it's pretty cool. However, especially together with the other stuff I'd ordered, I really like the colour it adds to the bunch!

RSE 06 - Sabley, Mawile, Chimeco, Nosepass

This is a special zukan to me, well, that's a weird way to put I guess. It's one of the three cluster zukans in my mind. Zukans where they'd just put a bunch of pokemon together that don't have a whole lot do with one another, all one one base. (The other two being RSE04 Chinchau, Lanturn, Luvdisc, Relicanth, and GSC02 Qwilfish, Remoraid, Octilery, Mantine). The reason I collect zukans at all is cause I love seeing so many things close together, pokemon, all in the right scale, next to each other. And these 3 zukans magnify that effect in some sense I guess. It's kinda hard to explain.

RSE 07 - Spinda, Spinda, Spinda

Hope you don't have a sPINDA allergy!! Hahah.. end me now pls. I'm somewhat intrequed by the extra base ontop of the normal base. Why didn't they just give the brown one a third hole for a third peg? We'll never know :0

RSE 08 - Grimer, Muk

Another one that was high on my wants list! Look at that detail! Look at that mouth! It's huge!!

Side view of the huge mouth. It's actually hollow, unlike in most zukans, where it's awkwardly painted on.

RSE 08 -  Solrock, Lunatone

I'm really into astronomy, I have a six-inch telescope and often go out to photograph the planets. So, yeah, sort of had to get these :p
Fun fact, I got these the on the summer solstice, which is also when Solrock became availabe in my region in pokemon GO.

DP 05 - Magnemite, Magneton, Magnezone

Another one high up on my list! I missed on this one when I could have gotten it when it was new, when the set'd just come out. But better late than never!

DP 06 - Ryhorn, Rhydon; Rhyperior

First of.. Rhyperior is HUGE! Just look how flipping big it is in that last shot! And that tail! That's a solid rock the size of a chair!
Second, these were also very high up my list (before you think 'geez, is everything high up your list?' well, yeah, that's why I bought it! duh!).
These were also ones I missed out on when they'd just come out.

BW 05 - Genesect

I already had the other Genesect zukan, the shiny one where he attacks Mewtwo. I'm not sure which one I like better. They're both cool!

BW 05 - Druddigon

Druddigon looks pretty cool. I mean, he's ugly, but that's the point!

BW 05 - Axew, Fraxure, Haxorus

The not quite pseudo-legendaries! The pseudo-pseudo-legendaries? They look cool.

BW 05 - Venipede, Whiripede, Scolipede

This is probably my favourite zukan of the BW5 set! It's surprisingly big!

BW 05 - Litwick, Lampent, Chandelure

I had a Chandelure in my Black team!

And finally, but DEFINITELY not last!


I've wanted Ho-oh for so long. It's likely my favourite legendary pokemon, and high up on my list of favourite pokemon in general. Ever since I first found out about a Ho-oh zukan, more than a decade ago, on Zukanranger, I wanted it. Then I found out what they cost, and realized I'd never have one. And here we are today! Many thanks to doryphish333 for selling it to me!

That Rainbow-bum.

Ho-oh is my largest Zukan as of yet. And to my knowledge, the third largest zukan there is at all. Only Lugia and Wailord are bigger. Though, with PokeStudios/DsStudios/Whatever they're called now having made Onix and Steelix, those might be bigger than Ho-oh.

Size comparison time! The smallest vs the biggest!

"What have you come for to me you peasant?"

Budew can even ride Ho-oh, rock and all!

Ho-oh- no, that's..

Oh no, now Muk's with his giant mouth is back too to eat Budew!

But seriously, Ho-oh is BIG, though the raised stand does help. This is Ho-oh next to some of my biggest other zukans. Ho-oh sticks out clearly.

Can't forget about Ho-oh's bros of course!

Speaking of bros, anyone ever noticed that Rhydon and Aggron are total bros?


Even their children, Rhydon and Lairon are bros!

The Aggron line always seems to be a bit bigger than Rhyhorn line though, one step ahead.

However, while Aggron's now in its final form, having started as tiny Aron (ssshhtt, no megas yet), Rhydon can evolve yet again!

And then Rhyperior utterly outsizes Aggron!

And with that fun fact, you've reached the end!
There's more coming actually. In a few months I'll post again!
At least, Dusknoir line, the afformentioned Chinchou line, and Pokestudios Lapras, Articuno, Onix and Steelix, are coming. Maybe I'll order more, but I hope for my wallet I won't.

Thanks for reading!

Btw, this is 'just' an update of my collection if you want to see the rest, see these two posts.



fraxure, genesect, venipede, lampent, magnezone, magneton, muk, mightyena, electrike, rhydon, ho-oh, collection update, mawile, jirachi, magnemite, spinda, sableye, zukan, manectric, gets, poochyena, scolipede, lairon, grail, poocheyena, chimecho, nosepass, lunatone, druddigon, haxorous, litwick, aron, 1st gen, mighteyena, gen5, poocheyna, collection, rhyperior, aggron, 3rd gen, grimer, solrock, whirlipede, rhyhorn, absol

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