Hiya again ya'll!
About a month ago I made my reintroduction post, as I used to be on here often.. like.. 8-10 years ago, and only last month returned here. In there I said I'd make an update soon, once all the packages I'd ordered would arrive. They now have!
In the past 8 years I'd not really collected anything, and even stopped with pokemon altogether at first. But every now and then I'd look on ebay, to see if any of the 'grails' I used to have were on there for an affordable price, or alternatively, pokemon I'd used on my team in the games. Then came December last year, where I saw the (for me new) Zukan set XY4, with Primal Groudon, Mega Blastoise, and Goomy line in it (and Skerlp line), all three pokemon I liked/had used, for only like 19 bucks or something. I ordered it, and saw more stuff, and more, and ended up spending way too much money (don't worry, I'm fine financially)... Butttt.. it did result in me getting like, 2/3rds the 'grail' items I had at the time, and expanding my collection with some really nice stuff.
Rather than making this just an update post, where I show only what's new, I decided to just photograph everything, as the 8 year old photos are lackluster compared to what I can do now.
Here's a little preview, but don't forget to check out the cut! (all photos made by me)
Under the cut there's a whole long bunch.
Like.. a reaaaaaaaalllllly long cut. I don't recommend opening it in the feed, rather in a sepperate tab.
You made it to the cut! Congrats! There's a long yourney up ahead!
First, let's start of with a list of what's new. Grails are in bold.
RSE1: Taillow/Swellow
RSE6: Plusle/Minun, Regirock
RSE7: Registeel
RSESP4: Lucario
GSC1: Groudon
GSC5: Magby/Magar, Zapdos, Kyogre
DP6: Dialga
BWM4: White Kyurem
BW4: Landorus, Thundurus, Tornadus, Oshawot/Dewott/Samurott, Dratini/Dragonair/Dragonite, Rayquaza
BWM6: Metwo, Genesect
XY1: Xerneas, Yvelta, Chespin/Fennekin/Froakie, Bulbasaur/Charmander/Squirtle
XY3: Mega Charizard X, Mega Venusaur, Honedge/Doublade/Aegislash/Aegislash, Litleo/Pyroar
XY4: Primal Groudon, Mega Blastoise, Goomy/Sliggoo/Goodra, Skrelp/Dragalge
Now onto the pictures! I'll just sort of group them together. I'll start with 'grail' items, as, well, they're what caused all this.
Legendary Birds
Articuno is a zukan I already had, but it's so pretty, and part of the bird trio!
Zapdos is pretty much THE zukan I wanted the most. It was very pricy, and I actually had to go onto Yahoo Auction Japan for the first time, but just look at it! It's such a gorgeous zukan!
Moltes always stood out to me, in a bad way I mean. Articuno came with a nice glacier base with ice spikes. Zapdos comes with thunder clouds and lightning shooting out.. and moltres came with..? a plain dark blue base. I know it was orginally gonna come with some scorched land base in a set that never came, GSC7, but well, it never came! I decided to get another Zukan I like, Magby/Magmar, and just put Moltres on top of it as well! I think it worked out really nicely!
And a famliy photo!
Legendary Golems
I've wanted the regi zukans for so long, I'm really a fan of the zukans with special bases, and the regis have some of the best. Though, of the regis, Rerirock's base is pretty dull. Still, a realy nice zukan I think.
Registeel is possibly the best Regi zukan there is, maybe RSE8 Regice is better still, but I don't have that one. Just look at those sediment bars coming out!
This regice doesn't quite go well with the other 2, as it's from a different set, but it's fine. They still look nice together~ ..sadly though, during photographing it, somehow the peg broke :<
Regigas is so light :0
And a portrait photo! (by this point the Regice peg has been broken, as you can possibly see)
Weather Trio
GSC1 Groudon is another zukan that I wanted for ages! I bought it on here from white_chocobo, if you're reading this, thanks again!
Kyogre! I mean, I can just keep on saying things like 'I wanted it for so long' and 'look at it', but that'd just get boring! Just imagine I say that for the next bunch.
Also, see that mouth? Would be funny if it could actually bite tiny bits, and then putting some paper into the mouth xD Or uncooked spagetthi.
Two Rayquazas! The left one is new (and actually bigger than the right one despite both being 1/40 :0)
And another family photo! Too bad that Groudon and Kyogre can't be scale 1/40 too, but still, it looks nice~
Sinnoh Gods
Dialga! I'm really not sure where all the stains on the old dialga came from.. It's just been in my display case, so yeah.. Happy horsey dialga is new!
The only Palkia I have, and it's rather epic! Even if its head looks like a.. well, nevermind that.
Giratina! Both in alternate and origin formes!
The lake protectors! The moutain looks a bit plane, but in combination with the water and grass, it still forms a nice view.
Mighty Arceus! Arrrkayus? Arrsayus? Arseeus?..Arkeyus?
And yet another family photo!
Fossil time!
Same story as with Moltres, why didn't Shieldon/Bastidon have a special base? I put them on Lucario's base, as the Lucario was missing and arm, and peg anyway. Other than there not being a fossil, I think it fits very well! Love these zukans btw, especially Omanyte and Kabuto lines. The water of Omanyte's zukan really gives a cool effect on the limestone base when light shines through.
And yeah, Swinub etc aren't really fossils, but they still fit I think.
Trees and grass time!
So much nature! ...and what.. Torterra is a tree too! .. Maybe I should put Abomasnow here too >3>
Basically all the tall trees were/are grails :p They're pretty on their own, but when you put them all together, also with some GSC zukans (with green bases), it's like you have your own little forest.
Now that we've some water with Oshawott, let's go to more water!
I have the DP2 Manaphy zukan three times, and I putting them all side by side is kinda boring. I decided to put these three on of the bases, and put Manaphy away.
This one was also a grail, the blue water gives a less noticable blue light effect than the Omanyte line, because the base itself is already blue, but it still looks great.
One of the several sets of zukans that form a larger diaorama together. I think it's the best one too, very lovely sea scenery. Too bad it's made of a different type of plastic, making it pretty weak. It has the same light stuff going on as the Omanyte zukan, only more of it.
Lot's of rock there on the seabed :o Let's find more!
Diglet's missing :< But, at least Dugrio is there (Which is basically just 3 Digletts anyway, so hah!) When I first saw the Force of Nature zukans, I knew I wanted them. It's like a mountain top with clouds and then these 3 beasts.. oh! trademarked by Entei etc. already.. these 3.. forces on them!
There's clouds on that mountain peak! Do you know where else there are clouds?
I'm not really sure what the middle thing is supposed to be.
Onto birds now!
Birds are my favourite animals in real life, hence bird like pokemon are often my favourite too. Taillow is my aboslute favourite pokemon even, and I now finally have the zukan of them! Thanks white_chocobo!
The rest of the legendaries!
I had the Latios/Latias movie zukan, with the flat square bases. The peg was broken, and I like the round bases more anyway, so I put them on here. That first photo of primal groudon looks really threatening :p
Oh! I put Manaphy onto Roselia's base to make room for Latias and Latios on a new base.
Now the Pseudo Legendaries
Now Object based Pokemon
Honedge line is another example of a new Zukan (that up to 2 months ago, I did not know existed), that once I saw it, I really liked. It's so cluttered, so much for the eye to see.
Now the starter pokemon
Now the rest, other than the Arceus types.
Not all of these I'm as much of a fan off, I'm looking at you, Patrat and Sneasel, but most I like quite a bit, and quite a few still even a lot!
Arceus types
God almighty.. jezus christ, that's a lot. -it's a joke, cause 2x god, with a lot of Arcueses, lot of gods-
Lastly, there is one 'zukan' I made myself, of Missingno, based on what it's red/blue pokedex entry gave as height. If anyone wants the building sheet, check it out here
https://pkmncollectors.livejournal.com/7501771.html I lied, there's 15 more pictures, of everything put together in my display case.
Oh? Oh, you're still here? Congrats! You've reached the end! It's been a long and treacherous journey, but you made it! Thanks for looking!
Seriously, if this cut fails, I'm done for.