May 30, 2010 22:27
Day 4 - Your favorite show ever
I'm finding that I just can't be decisive with this meme. Once again, I can't choose just one. :)
My favorite show is kind of a 3-way tie between Friends, Buffy, the Vampire Slayer and LOST. I can't help it. I like them all, and I can't choose just one. Friends is my all-time favorite sitcom, while LOSTis my favorite drama. Buffy is my favorite cult show, I guess you could say. I love the for different reasons, so it's hard to compare them to one another and choose which is best. They're all great.
And since I'm going to be in St. Petersburg (Florida, not Russia) most of the day tomorrow, I'll just do Day 5 now.
Day 5 - A show you hate
The hard thing about this one is that, if I hate a show, I don't watch it. So in that sense, how can I really know I hate it? Ooooh, deep. *snort*
Based on whatever episodes I did watch (I usually give a show an episode or two to hook me before I rule it out, unless the commercials do nothing for me to begin with), of the shows currently on the air, I'd have to go with Parks & Recreation. We watched the first couple of episodes when it first premiered, and ohmygod, it was SO DUMB. Maybe I just don't get that brand of humor, I don't know. I just didn't find at it all funny, and am amazed that it's still on the air. Why did it survive when Better Off Ted, which was hilarious, got canned? I don't get people. The things the general public finds funny these days... I just don't get it. (Don't get me started on the majority of the movie comedies that are so popular, either. Ugh.)