Sep 01, 2008 09:23
I’ve been a bit busy this weekend, so LJ has taken a back seat to life. I’ve read some here and there, but haven’t been able to comment as I normally would. I suppose that’s a good thing considering I am actually getting out of the apartment for a change. In any case tomorrow the holiday will be over and then it’s back to life of Sam working long hours and me spending time on my fruitless job search. I have 3 options right now. I am going to apply at Micheals, Kohls, and then I am relenting and putting my application in at a daycare. The facility is nice, so at least I have that to comfort me if I get the job and bring my kids along. I am not anti daycare persey … more in the vein of I am anti daycare for my 10 month old son. Sam and I tried to avoid placing Audrey in daycare before she turned 3. To me that is the magic number. Of cours,e by the time my daughter reached that age I was already pregnant with my second child and I obviously would be staying home with him. Therefore Audrey would stay home with me as well.
Sam and I went to see ‘Tropic Thunder’ last night. I actually picked that movie, because I thought my husband would love the stupid humor that Ben Stiller comedies provide. To me his movies ranges from the tolerable - ‘Dodgeball’ to the quotable ‘Zoolander’, but never have I been rolling on the floor with laughter over the antics of Ben Stiller. Well, last night had I been home watching a DVD of ‘Tropic Thunder’ instead of in a crowded theater I am confident you would have found me on the floor in stitches. I loved the movie. I have not laughed so hard at a movie in so long. In my opinion Robert Downey Jr. stole the show. My only issue was with Tom Cruise. Could he have chewed the scenery any more? I thought his portrayal was a bit overkill.
As I walked out of ‘Tropic Thunder’ with a smile on my face I turned to Sam expecting his review to be just as glowing. “So … did you enjoy it?” I asked.
“Eh … it was okay.” He responded unenthusiastically.