ALS Walk at Pittsburgh Zoo

Aug 17, 2010 14:12

This year's Walk to Defeat ALS (also known as Lou Gehrig's Disease) takes place on Saturday, September 11, 2010 at the Pittsburgh Zoo.  Walk check in starts at 7 am, with the actual walk starting at 9 am.  There is no entry fee, just much needed fundraising.  It's a nice, easy one mile walk around the Pittsburgh Zoo and PPG Aquarium, and both teams and individual walkers are welcome.  You can register to walk or learn more about the walk here:

We'd love to have you join the walk, but if you're not able to, please consider donating at this link:   My team, A Mile for Mary, is walking in memory of my grandmother, who died 13 years ago from ALS.  If you're not able to donate, please consider sharing this link. Our team goal is just $500. We'd love to be able to blow right past that in memory of my grandmother. Thank you so much!

(Mods, if this isn't okay, please delete.  ALS is just such an underfunded disease that our team is trying to get the word about the walk out everywhere we can think of.)  Also, sorry for the boldedness... I've tried to fix it, and it just won't fix.

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