Random writing rant.

May 05, 2009 13:09

Is it sad that the first thing that I've just had to write recently is a short fanfic piece for my new addiction Stargate Atlantis? It isn't even a truly original piece, just an alternate ending scene for the episode that I watched before going to bed last night. I suppose it was a good exercise in putting into words what I felt from the characters on the screen (at least for the section that I left the same). Yeah...that's it. A good practice exercise...

I wonder if my internal editor will let me explore vignettes like that because they aren't wholly from my imagination. She considers them valid because they're built on stories that have already been deemed good enough to tell. Which makes me start to wonder if every writer has an internal editor who is as vicious as mine...and if not, why I have the privilege. Though I think...I think that I already know the answer to that one.

I really need to get the book that pallagia  recommended last time I  posted about internal editor woes. Sooner rather than later. I should also get back to work. Not that I have a ton to do right now, but I don't want to be stuck at the office forever because I played too long...


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