
Apr 28, 2009 21:41

I can feel the rain in the air...I wish that it would hurry up and get here.

It's been horribly hot and humid all day, and I could really use some relief. The heat makes me think of work--relentless, oppressive, and taxing beyond reason when a deadline looms close overhead. That spell finally broke last Friday when the last of my submittals went out. I spent an awesome Saturday at The Cloisters and at the Met with C, feeling very much like me yet again. We walked many miles, had a few subway adventures, and were even treated to a bit of serious eye candy on the ride back to GCT. The feeling never truly vanished from the previous just got a little lost in the long hours and restless sleep. I used to believe that I maintained a decent balance between work and everything else. It's pretty clear that I'm deluding myself. Or maybe it just goes in cycles and I'm getting myself back on track.

Sunday...well, Sunday I am half-ashamed to admit that all I did was laze about researching my computer options with a few chores tossed in there for good measure. I took yesterday off entirely without using a single vacation hour. I think that I can settle for 20 hours of overtime rather than 30. The extra day did more for my mental health than the extra money would have. I wasn't eager to return to the office today, but the thought of walking into the building didn't turn my stomach.

Steeping myself in art has made me eager to write again, internal editor be damned. That's the other reason I was hoping it would rain tonight--the sound draws my creative energy from where it hides. That little push would be welcome. Perhaps Thursday...tired now, and singing tomorrow night. Mozart Requiem and Bach Magnificat. Adore the music (even the Kyrie has started to grow on me), but like about 2/3 of the group I am having trouble memorizing it. Maestro will not be pleased.

Still waiting for the rain. But it's time for sleep now. Perhaps it will come tomorrow.

rain, the cloisters, writing, the met, work, thoughts

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