Oh yeah....

Aug 30, 2009 17:55

...so there is this thing called LJ that I seem to have completely forgotten about for the past few months.

Life in a nutshell:

Work: I've relocated, at least for the next couple of months, to the Capital Region to perform oversight on the Hudson River dredging. While it is interesting, the 12 hour days are taxing and all I've been able to scrape together the energy to do outside of it is sleep and watch the occasional TV show. I'm hoping to get used to the schedule and maybe expand that list to working out, seeing friends, and writing...at least once I flip back to the day shift. Right now I'm working 1 pm to 11 pm. In other work news, my company was bought by global-environmental-PRP-loving-megacorp. That is a topic for another post entirely.

Writing: Not much happening on that front, lately. I've let work stress and homebuying stress get in the way. Not much of a writer, am I?

Apartment search: Yeah, I'm looking in the hopes that I can take advantage of the first time homebuyer tax credit. But so far it appears that a coop is all I can afford, and that the coop boards who approve new residents are extraordinarily choosy about who they deign to allow in. So I'm not optimistic. But I have pre-approval from a reputable bank, a realtor, and numerous listings to slog through.

Everything else: Not much energy for anything else. Did take a cool combination yoga/pilates/marital arts class the Saturday before I headed north. It was great fun, but drove home that I'm not quite as flexible as I'd like to be. That is something I can work on, though.

I think that I might need something that I can control right now.

writing, work, apartment search

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