Good intentions

Feb 28, 2007 12:32

Time flies when you're a busy bee. I'm not exactly batting 1000 when it comes to my goals of reconnecting, but I've decided to stop apologizing. Mostly because it's probably boring, certainly not because I'm not sorry to be so incommunicado lately. I'll keep trying!

So anyway, the skinny on me:
- I'm in full countdown mode regarding my course at UBC (1 more class and then a week of presenting and then the exam).
- Last week and this week to date have been ultra busy at work. I'll be glad to see the back of this one.
- I think I forgot to mention, but I'm the new Chair of the Teldon Community Foundation (our charitable foundation at work). It's been good, but I think I need more "Chairing" confidence. Hopefully that will come in time...
- In my little free time, when I need to decompress, I've been playing a goofy computer game called "Fish Tycoon". Sad as it is, I was super excited last night when I discovered "The Golden Guppy".
- A bunch of us are going to see The Police in concert. Excitement! We've got some spare tickets so if you're in the Vancouver area and want to go let me know and I'll see if we have something that'll work.
- My email that I've had since, well, since I've had email has been sold to an American company and I got an ominous "Important Notice" that I have to agree that: "By registering for and/or logging on to the Service, you accept and acknowledge that the information processed or stored outside of Canada may be available to the foreign government of the country in which the information or the entity controlling it, is situated under a lawful order made in that jurisdiction and no longer falls under the jurisdiction of Canada's Personal Information Protection and Electronic Documents Act ("PIPEDA")..." And see, I don't really want to agree to that, but this is the main email I've had forever. I should probably check and see if the gmail account I set up and then never really made active still exists and move everything over. In the meantime if you need to email me, I guess send stuff to my hotmail account. *sigh* I dunno, if I'd just registered today I probably wouldn't have even read the agreement and just clicked "Accept" (as per usual). And gmail is quite likely the same boat... yeesh, maybe I should just agree...
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