Inch by inch

Feb 20, 2007 12:47

As perhaps you can tell, I'm trying to emerge from my winter blahs and reconnect with the world. I mean, if all the little crocuses around town can push through and shake off their earthy winter prisons then by golly so can I.

The light at the end of the tunnel is definitely brighter, I just have to press on a little longer.

Some tangible things that I'm going to get around to soon:
- returning some phone calls
- replying to a couple of outstanding emails
- signing into MSN when I'm home
- go to see Pan's Labyrinth (as in, leave the house to do something other than eat)
- get passport photos taken
- complete the unpacking of my new place (yes, it's true, I'm still not all set up yet...)
- buy some plants

Some tangible things with slightly longer time horizons:
- figure out strategies for Daniel & myself to help our commitment to "eat better in the spring"
- investigate a possible cleanse (nothing too harsh, perhaps the majority being over the 4 day Easter weekend)
- celebrate (with extreme relish) the finale of my course at UBC
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