There are many wonderful things that will never be done if you don't do them.

Mar 02, 2007 12:23

I think lots of us probably get bogged down in the feeling that the world is too big and we are too small. I know I do. On a regular basis, even.

But every so often I'll start doing something small, something that for me feels like an insignificant contribution to this great big world, and suddenly a connection will happen and it becomes something bigger almost all on its own.

Sort of like going to the gym - I often wonder how it is that I can feel so good after going to the gym, but forget that feeling entirely before going (sometimes so much so that I will talk myself out of it altogether...) In that same way, I don't know how it is that I can forget on such a regular basis how easy it is to make a difference and how it is frequently the little things that matter most.

I guess because I have no grandiose plan to change the world I think that I'm not doing "enough". The truth is though, I don't want to be a revolutionary; I just want to do what I can do, when I can do it, and trust that others are doing the same.
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