Another beautiful spring evening here on the warming tundra. With the floods and the shootings out east, people are just all rattled this week. Except for those of us who are so self-absorbed as myself, just glad it's warm and glad I can move and breathe. I hope recent events don't make things more difficult for the foreign exchange students, or for that matter, Asian-American students in general. All the UW folks that were out at Virginia Tech came home safely today. Just turned on CSPAN and the shrub was leaving the stadium at V-tech, and as we might expect, they're shook up on campus there. Everyone was surprisingly quiet for a big crowd of people like that. Now Tony Blair is extolling the British health service making things better there in the past few years. He has a lovely voice. So do the reporters asking him stuff. Even when the british say "um" it sounds all nice! Me and little Laurie, euro-mutts that we are, are largely british in ancestry.
Gotta go do some things before work. More words on topical themely topics some other day. So we need a nice retro clip. Of course, no disrespect to the grieving families out east, but we do need some comic relief.
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This is one of the cutest scenes from the MTM show, and in fact I think once I saw some of the cast members mentioning it being a favorite of theirs too.