Snips and snails and puppy dogs' tails...

Jan 07, 2011 23:33

Category: Pink Sheep RPG

Katie's footsteps echoed across the foyer of Buckland Manor as she followed the little house elf across the room and up the main staircase to the family's wing. After receiving Oli's owl, she'd given the little family a few days to recuperate before setting off to meet her newest pseudo-nephew.

Knocking on the doorframe, she gave her the figure in the bed a small grin. "Well, you've done it again, Mrs. Wood."

Romy gave her friend a tired smile. Little John Douglas was not a big fan of sleep just yet. "Graced the world with another adorable boy? Yes, I believe I have," she joked, waving Katie into the room.

Her smile growing, she pushed into the room and crossed the carpet, settling down on the side of the bed. "And he is adorable, isn't he Duffy?" she asked, scooping up the other baby into her arms and blowing raspberries against his neck, making him squeal in delight. "How's the world's best big brother doing today?"

"Bwuddah," Duff repeated, having picked up the word in all the talks his parents had had to try to help him get ready for the new child in the house. Hugging his Auntie Katie around the neck, the eleven month old wiggled and squealed as her fingers tickled his side.

Romy laughed at her little man, still amazed that almost a year had passed since Duff had come into the world. Her eyes drifted down to her younger son, a fair-haired boy with bright baby blue eyes. Duff's eyes had changed to a dark hazel several months after his birth, but Romy had a feeling JD would hold on to the blue, like his Da. "How are you, Katie-did?"

"Happy to see the two best boys in the world," she said, nuzzling Duff's soft little cheek. "When did he start saying 'brother'?"

"Just the other day," the proud mother said, beaming. "He hasn't begun to string words together into a sentence yet, but he's picking up new words all the time, it seems."

"That's because he's a smart boy. Can you say 'Auntie Katie'?" she asked, tickling the little boy's tummy.

"Bwuddah!" Duff exclaimed again, pushing at her hands even as he giggled.

Snickering softly as she ran a finger over JD's sock-clad toes, Romy gave a little shrug. "We're still working on that one."

Katie laughed softly and pressed a kiss to Duff's forehead before setting him down in the middle of the bed. "There's time," she said, grinning at Romy. Her brown gaze shifted to the bundle in her arms, and she said, "May I?"

"Of course," the younger woman said, though it was always hard to give her baby up, at least in the beginning. She held him out to her long time friend. "JD, this is your Auntie Katie, baby. Try not to spit up on her." Giggling at the look Katie gave her, Romy reached over to collect her firstborn and snuggle the toddler to her.

"Mmm, yes, let's try that," Katie mused, poking her tongue out at Romy. Ducking her head, she gave the little boy in her arms a sweet smile. "Hello there, handsome. I'm your Auntie Katie."

The tiny boy blinked up at this new person, a big yawn curling his mouth into an 'o' a moment later. Turning his head, he rooted around a moment before quieting again.

"He's a little piggy. I just fed him ten minutes ago," Romy commented with a grin.

Laughing at the baby's antics, Katie rolled her eyes. "Sorry, bud, there's not quite as much there as your Mum's got."

Romy just grinned. "Speaking of babies, how's your younger man doing?"

Katie shot Romy a glare. "I refuse to answer that question, especially considering you're barely older than he is."

"Oh, you know I'm just teasing, don't be so sensitive. I've just been through labor, I deserve a little gossip. It's four weeks before I can get any action of my own."

"And I'm sure Oliver is counting down the minutes," the older woman replied dryly, suppressing a shudder. He was one of her oldest friends, and she really didn't like to think of him having sex. Even if she was holding the byproduct of that fact.

"He's good," she replied, a soft smile tugging at her lips despite her teasing.

The new mother raised a brow. "I wasn't asking about his prowess in bed, Miss Bell. How are things between the two of you? Should I be watching your belly for signs of procreation? Your finger for a ring? Give me something here."

"None of the above," Katie shot back, eyes widening at the mention of spawn of her own. "And things are fine. We're... we're fine."

"Maybe you could expand a little? 'Fine' is a bit generic." Getting information out of Katie was like pulling teeth, but Romy was interested in her friend's life and happiness.

One shoulder lifted in a little shrug. "I mean, things between us are good. We haven't had a big talk or anything like that, but we're together and I'm happy." It was more than she'd been in a long time. "And before you ask, no, there haven't been any professions of feelings."

"Like molasses, you two," Romy grumbled before she was distracted by the little boy on her lap. "'Lasses," Duff added sagely, nodding his little head to emphasize the point.

"Is that right?" Katie asked Duff, quirking one brow in amusement. "Why don't you start dating and distract your Mummy for me? Can you do that for Auntie Katie?"

"What do you think, Duffer?" Romy asked her baby boy, running her fingers through his wavy, dark hair. "Do you want to find a girl to play with?" The emphatic shake of his head brought a laugh to her lips and she looked back to Katie, who was still cuddling her littlest baby. "Sorry, sweets. Looks like you're on your own."

"Hmph. Traitor," Katie replied, wrinkling her nose at the snuggling little boy. "I'll just have to rely on JD, then." She dropped a kiss on the baby's tiny nose, making funny faces when he giggled.

"I reckon they'd both have better luck once they can walk and go to the toilet on their own," Romy deadpanned.


romy, katie, spawn

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