Food and music and plans...

Jan 05, 2011 21:50

Category: Pink Sheep RPG

Mr. Carmichael had asked her to drop off some documents at Gringott's on her way home that evening. He was purchasing another investment property, one Emma had found for him and the loan officer was waiting on the paperwork to arrive. It was little things like that, proof her boss trusted her to do the due diligence and then made decisions in part because of the information she provided, that made her proud and happy in her position at V Inc. She didn't discount the fact that Edward Carmichael was a very smart and successful businessman without her help, but it was nice to know her contributions were appreciated and her opinion respected.

As she stepped out of the bank and into the lamp-lit street that Diagon Alley became after regular business hours, Emma's eyes settled on the upper level of a corner shop down the road. As she watched, a light came on and her lips curled. Michael was home.

Prada-clad feet carried her swiftly to the alleyway behind Corner Records and the door leading to Michael's personal space above the music store. She knocked three times, her voice carrying in a singsong, "Pretty Man!"

If he'd been playing his guitar, he'd not have heard her. As it was, Michael nearly snorted with laughter as Emma's voice carried to him from the alleyway. She was one of few women he knew who wouldn't think twice about calling to him like that.

Opening the back door, Michael leaned over the rail and looked down into the alley. It was dimly lit, but Emma's blonde hair caught what little light there was. "You called?" he said, lips curling.

Beaming up at her quarry, Emma threw her arms in the air. She loved that Michael would be silly with her. He liked her for the giggly blonde she was, but he knew that wasn't all there was to her. "Your light was a beacon in the night sky. I was powerless to stay away." She giggled. "Can I come in?"

"Course, dove," he said as he pushed away from the rail. "Couldn't stop you anyway," he added as she came up the wooden steps. His words had her glancing up at him, and he continued, "you're powerless to stay away."

Humor touched the edges of his mouth. "Am charming on occasion, so they say."

"Is that what 'they' say?" she teased as she reached him, her progress up the stairs slower than she would have liked because of the tall pumps she wore. They did bring her several inches closer to Michael's face, though, and Emma took advantage of her added height to give her pretty man a proper hug. "I guess they're not too far off base on that count."

"Have my moments," he agreed as he squeezed her back. A light kiss was pressed to her lips before he indicated the open door behind him. He spent a good portion of his evenings alone in his flat, but Emma's company was always welcome. She was made of optimism and good thoughts, and Michael enjoyed the energy she exuded.

When she stepped inside, the light revealed a smart little skirt suit and fancy shoes his sister would approve of. "Just off work, dove?"

Humming in the affirmative, Emma smoothed her hands over her outfit. "I had to take something to Gringotts for Mr. Carmichael and decided to pop over to see you when I saw you were home. Did you just close up downstairs?"

"Did," he affirmed as he watched her hands curve over her own hips before blue eyes flicked up to hers and he grinned. "Was going to order take-out. Have a drink. Want to share, dove?"

"Sure," Emma chirped, following him further into his loft. It was quite a change from the palatial penthouse Michael had shared with his sister, but the whole space echoed his presence. Just stepping inside was calming, comfortable, and filled her petite frame with happiness. "What are we having?"

"Curry," he said. "Hot." He liked spicy, explosive flavors. Always had.

He bent by the floo, but glanced back at his impromptu guest, brows slightly raised. "Do you want anything else? Pad thai?"

Settling on the sofa, Emma shook her head as she ran her fingers lightly over the guitar that shared the cushion with her. "No thanks, I'll just poke at yours if that's okay." She wasn't terribly hungry, but she liked to try new things and she didn't think she'd had a very spicy curry before. Green eyes flicked to him quickly and she grinned before studying his guitar again.

Michael nodded and ordered his food.

When he meandered back toward Emma, his lips twitched as he watched her. She was being careful of his guitar, for which he was grateful, but it was more like she was tip-toeing around it than anything. "Do you want to try?"

She hadn't really considered trying to play the handsome instrument and Emma blinked at her friend a moment as she thought it over. "I was just thinking that I've never heard you play, but it might be fun to try myself." Cocking her head to one side, she queried, "Would you let me hear you after?"

"Sure, dove," he said with a small twitch of his lips as he sat down opposite her. Michael was surprised she hadn't heard him play before - he was fiddling with it all the time. Then again, most times when he and Emma visited, he had other things on his mind - thoughts which now occurred to him, though he pushed them away.

Emma lit up at his agreement, excited at the prospect of finally experiencing something that was such a part of Michael. He didn't tend to offer bits of himself without provocation, so it was always something of a treat to learn or see or hear something new. Just now, though, it was her turn to try her hand at Michael's hobby and Emma picked the guitar up gingerly, settling it against her body. "What do I do?" she asked, green eyes bright.

A small grin curled his lips as he shifted across the space between the two sofas and sat down. "Come here," was all he said at first, and Emma grinned and moved to sit in the cradle of his body.

With his arms around her, he helped her adjust the guitar on her lap and the set her hands in the right places. For the moment, he let his linger over hers. "Hold the strings down here," he said as he showed her the C-chord with the press of his fingers on the neck of the instrument. "And then strum."

His breath was warm and feathery against her neck and Emma stilled completely for a second as the realization that she was thoroughly surrounded by Michael hit her. The warmth of his body encased her, his breath tickled her skin and his voice was deep and inviting near her ear. It wasn't as if Michael was doing anything to draw her in intentionally; he was just all around her and it took a moment for Emma to acclimate to the weight of his presence.

The blonde took a deep breath and willed herself not to turn her head and catch his lips, near though they were. With effort, she focused on the way he'd placed her fingers, holding down the strings as the fingers of her other hand dragged downward across them.

"Like that?" Emma asked, a little breathless as she lifted her eyes to Michael's striking blue ones.

"Just like," he said. He was aware of the slight shift in her awareness, but didn't press. Yet, anyway.

Michael dropped his gaze back down to the instrument. "If you put your fingers here and ..." he shifted her grip, "... here, then when you strum," he dragged his thumb down the strings, "it'll sound a bit different."

Repeating his actions, Emma managed to produce a sound almost like Michael had. Looking over at him again, she grinned and pressed a kiss to Michael's cheek. (It was right there.) "Not quite that time, huh?"

"It takes practice," he said reasonably, though a twinkle touched his blue eyes. He was enjoying the warmth of her body pressed against his chest, the sweet scent of her hair. He didn't do anything to indulge further though. "I've been playing a long time."

"I think it would take me a long time to learn. I'm not very good at sitting still." The words were said playfully, but without a hint of sheepishness. Emma had long ago accepted her magpie-like nature, and the world was full of shiny things ready to distract her. "My brother MJ got most of the studiousness. He left me the cheeriness and the love of pretty things, though."

"He's without cheer or appreciation for aesthetic?" Michael asked, a hint of a smile playing at his mouth. He knew she was overstating things, but he still liked playing with her, both her little games, and his own. It was nice to hear about her brother as well. Even though he saw Emma more than he did anyone else these days, he still knew little of her life outside of her time with him. The activities they usually got up to weren't conducive to conversation.

Emma giggled and brought one hand up, thumb and forefinger separated just slightly. "Maybe he has a little cheer, especially when I'm around to get him to acknowledge it's there. He doesn't care much about pretties, though. Well, he likes pretty girls, of course, but MJ's never understood why I like to buy pretty clothes and shoes, or dab on perfume to smell nice." Her head tilted slightly and a thoughtful look came over her face. "I'd never thought of wearing it behind my knees until Lola suggested it, though."

A small grin curled Michael's lips. "You can send Lola my regards. The gesture is noted and appreciated."

"You could send them yourself," the tiny blonde replied, a light brightening her eyes as an idea occurred to her. "She's going abroad with the ballet company and I'm going to go see her. You could come if you wanted." Her lips twitched. "There's music at the ballet."

The suggestion was unexpected, but the idea appealed to Michael nonetheless. He hadn't met anyone in Emma's life and Lola was one she mentioned often. "Where to, dove? And when?"

"Amsterdam," Emma chirped, excited that he seemed to be considering her offer. She'd chattered to Lola about her pretty man often enough, it would be nice to introduce them. "It's in mid-February, but I'll have to look at my calendar to check the exact dates. It should be lots of fun, though. Lola's my most favorite libertine."

Another grin touched the edges of Michael's mouth. "Indeed."

Michael hadn't left the shop for any significant amount of time yet - he only had Mira and a few other part-time employees at the moment - but he was sure he could manage to swing a day or two away. He might even persuade Astoria to take it easy and sit at the counter for awhile. It'd be something of a vacation for his sister, considering the breakneck pace she always seemed to be going at these days.

It did bring to mind his need for a manager though. Michael knew he should have gone about hiring one a long time ago, but he supposed better late than never.

A tap at the window signaled the arrival of the owl bearing his take-out, and Michael pressed a light kiss just beneath Emma's ear before gripping her hips, lifting, and setting her next to him on the sofa, guitar and all. "Food," he explained with a wink.

Even as he collected the few packages and put the proper amount of money in the pouch attached to the owl's foot, Michael glanced over his shoulder at Emma. "You let me know when, dove, and I'll make sure I'm there."

The wiggle inspired by his words had the guitar sliding down her lap and Emma tightened her grip quickly to keep the handsome instrument safe before carefully laying it down beside her on the sofa. "I'll check and owl you tomorrow. Oh my gosh, we're going to have such a good time!"

Rising to her feet, Emma padded over to Michael. "Can I help with anything? Drinks or dishes or something?" The excitement hadn't begun to fade yet and her words were punctuated by little bounces on the balls of her feet. Traveling with Lols and Michael, there wasn't much that was better than that.

"Nothing," he said, grin dancing at his lips again as he set the food on the table, sat down and snaked an arm around Emma's waist to bring her into his lap. "Well," he said, reconsidering as he met her gaze, "Perhaps this."

Michael captured her lips and did what had been in the back of his mind to do for the last quarter hour. She was buzzing with warm, excited energy and he wanted to taste her. The food could wait.

A tiny squeak escaped her as Michael tugged her down, but as soon his lips covered hers Emma melted into his heat. There wasn't much that could compete with the plans they'd made, but being in his arms in the here and now came pretty darn close.

SUMMARY: Emma makes an impromptu decision to drop in on Michael. He teaches her some basics about playing the guitar and she invites him to the ballet in Amsterdam.

michael, pink sheep rpg, michael/emma, emma

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