Moving at the speed of light into eternity ...

Jan 10, 2011 17:49

Ryan Levi Zeller
Character Biography

Age: 22
Birth Date: February 14, 1985
Family background: Rhett and Isabelle Zeller were both half-blood Hufflepuff alum, and were school sweethearts. Upon graduating from Hogwarts in 1977, they joined the Order of the Phoenix and fought in the first war against Voldemort and the Death Eaters. They were both lucky enough to survive the conflict unscathed and started a family four years later. Rose was born in 1984 and Ryan was born in 1985. Isabelle was diagnosed with breast cancer in 1989, but it was caught too late to operate; it had already spread to her lungs. She died at the age of 31 just before Christmas in 1990. Rhett never remarried.
House in School: Hufflepuff (1996-2003)
Bloodline: Half-Blood
Political Views: Don’t be a dick. Ryan’s not much for politics.

... tonight is the night.

ryan, character bios, elle's fic

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