Title: Through the Vortex Prompt: Wind, Simply Irresistible Bonus? yes Word Count: 521 Rating: PG-13 Original/Fandom: Haven Pairings (if any): Audrey/Nathan Warnings (Non-Con/Dub-Con etc): SPOILERS for the latest episode Summary: Very spoilerish for the latest episode 4x4 [Spoiler (click to open)]She fell through the Vortex and somehow landed staring into the eyes of the
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Title: Nellie Longbottom and the Failed Warning Summary: Nellie overhears Malfoy tell his cronies that he plans to catch Harry and Co. in the act of sneaking out a dragon from the castle. This is an AU tag to Harry Potter and the Philosopher's Stone (in particular chapters 14 and 15). Fandom: Harry Potter. Characters Neville Longbottom as his
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