Aug 08, 2005 13:12
Boyfriend came back from vacay yesterday--he definitely noticed my weight-loss, because my size 4 jeans would not even stay on my body. I laid on the couch and he came over & grabbed the waist of my pants & was like, there was no way you were that much bigger or ever fit into these jeans. I was like, yes they are (well, were) my favorite jeans that I wore all the time. So, I was so happy.
I probably only lost about 5lbs last week total but it's definitely helping me to keep cutting down even more, and the great thing is that my bf is trying to eat healthier too. :) He didn't even think it was weird when I went to the grocery & only got:
l.f. cottage cheese
crab meat
2 tomatoes
1 cucumber
balsamic vinegarette dressing
mini rice cakes
I can't wait to work out after work... this week will also be good, because bf is out of town for work tomorrow & Weds, so I don't have to eat at all! Plus, I'm working 60hrs this week at both jobs, so I'll be too busy to worry about food. :) finally... I'm getting to where I need to be. Yay. This feels great. I can't wait for NYC in 2 weeks!