Come back to me....

Apr 11, 2006 10:21

As spring is coming into full bloom, it brings with it many things: the stench of rotting animal carcass, a huge stack of Hail policies, phone calls from idiot agents, and of course spiders and flies burning in the halogen lamp. With all these wondrous aspects of spring, I become more and more aware of the empty, rust colored chair that sits beside me.

I am speaking of what will always be known as "Neil's Desk," though there is no more Neil. I cannot express how much the lack of Neil saddens me. Every time I want to make fun of my dumb ass co-workers, I turn to my left and...... he's not there. :( Every time I have a question on a policy and need someones professional opinion, all I see is a vacant seat. And at lunch, there is no one for me to sit out on the patio with when the weather is nice. And perhaps the most frustrating of all is when I need to talk or have a funny story to tell, the only one here to listen is LJ, and then she starts into some long, incoherent, mumbling, Ebonics-ridden story that I neither care about, nor can understand.


I will have to add his picture to the shrine of fallen ASI heroes, and he will join the ranks with Al, Haruka, etc., who I miss dearly everyday. You guys are what made Agriserve fun. If Ang ever leaves, I'll go totally insane. Right now, without my Neilio, I am 69% there already. Yeah, I said 69.

I'll close with this plea...well, it's more of a proposition.....Neil, you can live rent-free in my closet (it's surprisingly roomy) and we can ride to work together each day. Please, please come save me from this hail Hell !!!!!!

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