Balls Deep....Oh, I really like it balls deep!

May 17, 2006 15:17

This past weekend I was a busy girl. I had lots of planning and purchasing to do for my parents' upcoming 40th wedding anniversary party. I had the pleasure of running all over town and buying pink and white decorations for the swarey. The total (so far) for the decorations alone is nye on $150. This sucks, because as most of you know, I work at ASI where it takes me the better part of a month to earn $150. Okay, that's an exaggeration, but the point is that I'm no money bags.

Saturday night I hung out with my old pal Neil and his friends. I even got to meet the infamous "girlfriend." haha. She seemed nice enough, though not exactly what I expected. If she wouldn't have been Neil's girlfriend, I probably would have punched her though. Wait, woah, let me explain before you get all shocked and start calling me dirty names.

I have a thing with feet....not necessarily a phobia, but a definite hatred of other people's pedicular flesh. Is 'pedicular' a word? Probably not. The point being that I despise feet. Neil's girlfriend was putting her feet all over him the entire time we sat around  played drinking games. Maybe this was a one time thing, I don't know. But there was definitely foot-to-Neil contact for the majority of the evening. Grossed me out to the max. Neil knows this and probably thinks it's pretty funny. Laugh it up, Neil. You're the one with foot-residue all over you! ;-)

Later in the night, Katie cracked the whip and Neil tucked his tail and cowered in the corner like a small yip-yip dog. Meaning: they stayed in while others (including yours truly) went out. We had a good time and Avril Lavigne songs were sang at my expense.

That was my weekend update, and I'll leave with this thought.......paper can CUT you.

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