Time for Miracles Series Chapter 2 Airplanes

Jun 23, 2010 17:49

Part 2 of my Time for Miracles series.  I hope you like it.  More is coming soon, I promise.  Feedback is always welcome.

Title:  Airplanes (Time for Miracles Series Part 2)

Author:  pink_glitter_26 aka Faith Monroe

Pairing:  Adam/Tommy


Disclaimer:  I do not own Adam or Tommy.  This story is purely fictional.

Summary:  Life can change in the blink of an eye.


Author’s Notes:  I’m feeling really inspired today, so I’m working on my new series Time for Miracles.  I hope that you are all enjoying my first multi-part Adommy story.  I am enjoying writing it.  I needed a break from Kradam.  Anyway, feedback is always welcome.

“Can we pretend that airplanes in the night sky are like shooting stars?…I could really use a wish right now.”

--Airplanes by B.o.B. and Hayley Williams

When Adam left Tommy’s room, he went up to the hospital roof.  He needed air and to clear his mind.  He was exhausted from keeping vigil at Tommy’s side.  He felt like he was going crazy.

He turned his cell phone on for the first time in over a day.  He had about a hundred missed calls and messages.  He knew that most of them were about his upcoming shows and rescheduling the one that had been missed.  He had already told his people that he was canceling the rest of the shows.  There were only four more shows left, so in total he would only be missing five shows from his tour.  He knew that his fans would be disappointed, but he couldn’t stand the thought of going onstage without Tommy.  Even though, Monte said that he could find someone to replace Tommy for the shows, Adam couldn’t do it.  The band and dancers were supporting his decision.  Truthfully, none of them wanted to go on without Tommy either.  The label and promoters were a different story.  They wanted him to finish the tour no matter what.

Adam turned his phone off again.  He didn’t want to deal with any of that right now.  He looked up at the night sky and tried to see the stars through the smog.  You gotta love L.A., Adam thought.  A town full of stars, but you can’t actually see any real stars in the sky.

All Adam could make out in the night sky were lights from airplanes.  It’ll have to do, he told himself.  He closed his eyes as he wished on the fake shooting star.

“Just let him wake up.  He has to get better.  I can’t do this without him.  It’s funny because I feel like I’ve known him my whole life, but it’s only been a few years.  I didn’t realize until the accident how much I depended on him…how much he had become a part of this journey that I’m on.  I can’t imagine my life without him in it.  I can’t even fathom being onstage without him behind me.  Please, please just let him get better.”  Adam cried falling to his knees and looking up at the sky.

When he had cried all that he could, Adam composed himself.  He turned his phone back on and called his manager and publicist.  He knew what he had to do.  He was going to set up a press conference to officially cancel the remainder of his tour.  Tommy was going to get better and he wasn’t going to set foot on the stage until he did…until he could be there with him and the rest of the band again.

His people arranged the press conference for the next day.  Adam wanted to get it over with.  Monte, LP, and Cam joined him to show their support for his decision.  He looked like hell from lack of sleep.  It took Sutan almost an hour just to make him presentable.

“First of all, I’d like to thank everyone who made it here today.  I’d also like to thank everyone who has sent their well wishes to Tommy and the rest of the band.  Quick update on Tommy…He’s still in intensive care and still unconscious.  That brings me to the reason that I called for this press conference today.  I am officially announcing that the remaining dates on the tour will be canceled.  This has been a hard decision, but the band, dancers, other crew members, and I reached it together.  We can’t go on without Tommy.  I apologize to the fans that were looking forward to the shows and hope that you can understand.  You will be receiving full refunds for your tickets.  Please continue to keep Tommy in your thoughts and prayers.”  Adam concluded solemnly.

The reporters started shouting questions at him.  He didn’t want to answer them.  He had said all that he could…all that he wanted to say.  His publicist stepped in front of the microphones.  She fielded a few inquiries before announcing that the press conference was over.

“It was the right thing to do.”  Cam whispered to Adam as she gave him a huge hug.

“I know.  I hated to disappoint the fans, but…”Adam spoke quietly.

“True fans will understand.”  Monte told him as he patted his back.

“Thanks guys…for having my back on this.”  Adam wiped the tears from his face.

“We’re family.  Tommy’s our brother.  It wouldn’t be right to be up there without him.”  LP declared.

adam/tommy, adam lambert, miracles, tommy ratliff

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